A modest proposal: Go easy with the login spam on launch day.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Iyvy, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. Iyvy Augur

    In the past there have been login server issues which have kept some people out of the game for up to a day, this often causes people to lose their names as certain people will steal the names of others just to be a , or will simply make 10 names they think are cool off the bat even though they won't play half the characters they make.

    Anyway, on launch day if everyone could agree not to hit the login button quite so often/hard it might help mitigate the login server having a heart attack like it so often does on the TLPs.

    My proposal is that if you are a login spammer as I am that we limit our log in attempts to once every 30 seconds. We'll still get in at roughly the same time and may actually let the log in server function properly, meaning we won't have to do any spamming at all.

    I know this will fall on deaf ears but I'll do my part and hope others can as well.

    Also while we're on the subject, don't steal players names and try not to take every cool 4 letter word right off the bat. Get the name you want/are known for and leave the rest for others.
  2. PwnQuest Augur

    Sounds good. I'll just take my one name: Iyvy. :p
  3. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    I still laugh at people who think they "own" a name in a video game.
    Protagonist and SweetLaxTho like this.
  4. Quill Augur

    All the cool ones get rejected by the profanity filter.
    Hateseeker likes this.
  5. snailish Augur

    It was suggested at least several TLPs ago to limit character creation to one per account for a day or two and then lift that restriction, a life-hack to solve the congestion bit and give later hour players a chance at some names.

    Haven't heard word on something like that being done. Maybe they've done some sort of internal improvements to reduce the login issues? We'll find out either way.
  6. pimenttoncheese Elder

    I'll login slowly i swear but only if everyone else pinky promises
  7. SweetLaxTho Elder


    Everyone dont mash the log in button so iyvy can mash the crap outta his and get in first.
    Chatoyan, Risiko and Tankz like this.
  8. Pizazz New Member

    I promise not to use a 3rd party spam log in program....my gfs 2 fingers:rolleyes:
  9. Protagonist Tank

    Prisoner's dilemma is alive and well.
    Chatoyan likes this.
  10. Brunlin Augur

    Yea, please everyone dont spam the login button, so we can keep the login server from crashing. That way my Static group can spam the button to go ahead and get in before it does :po_O;):D:cool: Im joking of course..........or am I ;)
  11. Iyvy Augur

    I mean my name won't be Iyvy, and I don't really care, but some people steal names of well known players names to be dicks. I don't really care I doubt anyone will take my name.
  12. Risiko Augur

    What name is it then? I want to make sure I don't take it.
  13. RandomStrategy Augur

    But how else am I gonna get the name I want?

  14. MarttinPH Augur

    This isn't a prisoner's dilemma (PD) at all. The main focus of a PD is that if all individuals take the option withe the largest payout, then everyone is made worse off.
    In this case, it simple a game where the first mover automatically wins, where win is defined as the ability to choose the character name they desire.
  15. Runes Augur

    For that matter I want to also add that all of you that dont work, are on disability, blew days of PTO, Skip school on launch day to just do not logon and let the rest of us casuals that will only have a few hours a day to play get in, make our characters and get a jump on leveling. After all, it will all be the same as Iyvy says later since you will have far more time to play and catch up.

    So be good community people and let others who have limited playtime get their fair and deserved head start while you chill for a day.