LFG Boards

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Danladil, Feb 19, 2019.

  1. Danladil Elder

    Ok here is a random thought but still a thought. We have all these bulletin boards in guild lobby. They are mostly for guild information. How about maybe adding a group sign up? Allow players to post a group with a brief description of what they want to accomplish and allow other players to sign up to participate. It could be for a group task or a random raid someone would like to do. I dunno just a thought it's early... need coffee
  2. Febb Augur

    This already exists through /lfg
    Quatr and Whulfgar like this.
  3. Danladil Elder

    Yes it does kind of. The thought I had was for future date and times. Instead of waiting around with /lfg up (which I don't think anyone really uses) making use of a bulletin board to form a group say Saturday morning to do XYZ task in ZYX zone 6-54 people needed.
  4. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I recently used the "Guild" forum here for this. With limited success. But try that.
  5. Evye Augur

    Looking for fellowship should be a thing. Either in game or on the boards.
  6. CrazyLarth Augur

    most peeps join a guild so they just lfg in the guild window now a days.
    /lfguild you can look for a guild
  7. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I mostly solo/molo, and have my own guild for alt/storage purposes, so looking for another guild is not really where I'm at.

    I would, however, like to find a few people to group with on a somewhat regular basis, for taking on the content I can't do myself. Such a tool would be nice (one which isn't real-time), so that initial contact can be made.

    The post I made in the Guild sub-forum did help me get contact with one person who I'll now group with when I schedules co-incide. Which isn't that much, due to busy lives, etc. So, being able to build such a list out of game would be nice.
  8. CrazyLarth Augur

    add the peeps you group with to your friends list. have then add you. over time your find peeps to play with.
  9. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    LOL, that's what I'm trying to do, get people to group with, to begin with. Then, yes, I do what you say. But when people quit the game, that already short list goes back to zero, and one has to start over.

    When you play shorter sessions, and you're not in current content, you don't just magically have "peeps you group with". This is a bootstrap operation.
  10. CrazyLarth Augur

    all it takes now a days is 3 peeps and 3 merc and you have a group.
    if you dont have time to look for two more peeps do the solo stuff manage you bags, do tradskill quests, hunt molo in old zones for hunter, reseach what itemes your too needs next like Trophies to use. see if any open raids for hunter are going on. a lot of peeps are doing POP hunter right now. help some one else do a part of their epic. ect. most newbews dont know about /lfg they use general chat - pick up some newbew and learn them this great game.
  11. jeskola pheerie

    I have a great idea - bear with me now...

    What if they added a way to flag yourself as Away From Keyboard? It could show over your head, and maybe even auto-reply to tells so people won't think you are just ignoring them.
  12. Lasai New Member

    Danladil an LFG board already exists. Type /lfg not /lfg on and the in game LFG board appears. Nobody uses it though and it has been around for at least 5-10 years.
  13. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    He knows that. That's fine for people logged in at that time, who have joined /lfg.

    For people who play shorter sessions, or at odd times, an offline (or at least, not "need to be logged in and looking at it") tool would serve a purpose.
  14. YellowBelly Augur

    Not sure why people don't use the /lfg window. It had a healthy first few years and then people stopped using it (at least on Tunare)