Charm of Lore, Wanderlust Loadstone, Wayfarers Emblem, oh my

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by MMORogue, Jan 27, 2019.

  1. MMORogue New Member

    So I have each of these now in their starting stages. A few questions I could not locate answers to.

    If the augments are put in gear will they still increase in stats with quest line progress?

    If an augment is put in the charm will it still increase in stats with quest line progress?

    Which of the 2 augments are best suited to the charm of lore?

    What piece is the other augment typically placed in? (Level 20 Halfling Druid if it matters)

    I don't want to be frustrated later by a poor choice now and having to purchase a 1250 pp distiller to correct the error later.
  2. Grubbie New Member

    The charm of lore 'grows' as you find more pieces and return them to the Librarian. The Wanderlust Stone increases in stats as you complete the tasks set out by the various NPCs along the way. The Wayfarers Emblem grows in stats as you complete a set amount of tasks through the Lost Dungeons instances, it takes quite a lot of them and you need 3 bodies to request, a merc will count as one body. It maxes out at +10 to stats, 100 hp/mana/end if I remember right, and need roughly 30-400 complete runs to get it there.

    Use the wanderlust stone in the charm of lore, it has decent stats without the raid zone settings.
  3. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Not sure where you are buying distillers for that price but the Wayfarers Emblem needs a class 1 to remove which is 5 gold. Maybe its old info in Allah.

    All of these take a long time to acquire. One of them has a suggested level of 65 iirc to give full stats. Charms do drop off mobs as do nice augs in the hot zones.

    I never finished the charms but did finish the Wayfarers stone which I used for many levels.
  4. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Sometime around 2011, aug distillers dropped about 80-90% in price. He's probably referencing old info.

    (I looked up my old notes. In Sept. 2011, I spent 20,439 on 24 distillers, and for another char, 23,352 for 29 distillers. So, about 750-850pp each. And those weren't the high level ones). Don't remember when the price dropped, but it was after that.)

    (Looked up the Class 10 on Lucy:
    on 8/16/2012, the price went from 2238.1pp to 267.5pp, almost a 90% drop)
  5. MMORogue New Member

    TY for the replies.

    In game currently I am reading that the wanderlust guild loadstone is rec. level 5 and says Class XIV audmentation distiller. At Mbisi the CR solvent merchant I see now that I can acquire that for 85 pp. So yes the thread I was looking at with complaints on cost and reusing must have been dated.

    I also see now that both the wanderlust and adventurer's stones are for charms. So I guess unless you have a 2 slot charm you can only use one augment or the other.
  6. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    This is the one I was referring to:
    Wayfarers Brotherhood Emblem

    Item Information:
    You must use the solvent Class I Augmentation Distiller or greater to remove this augment safely.
    Item Information:
    Increases in power as you get more information from the Wayfarers Brotherhood. Recommended level of 65.

    You can start LDONS when group level is 20. Its a lot of LDON's but that ties in with the /ach for Hunter. Plus forage everything and check /barter. Some stuff is only available in those dungeons. I know it is cheap to take off cause I take it off every few levels and just stopped using it around level 100.

    Good Luck!
  7. Tatanka Joe Schmo