Expansions for F2Pers?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by qweasy, Jan 2, 2019.

  1. qweasy Augur

    So a few years ago a red made a comment that said free to players / subs who just don't buy expansions would be given expansions up to 2 back from live. We're currently 4 expansions behind the newest expansion, will new ones ever be granted?
  2. Gnomeland Augur

    They've ignored the last dozen times this question was asked, so don't get your hopes up.

    But my understanding is, No, because free to play is considered a failure.
  3. Captain Video Augur

    The expansions from TBM onward have been approx. 1/2 the size of expansions in days of yore, so by my math F2P players are only missing the equivalent content of 4x0.5 = 2 full expansions. If you're rolling a new toon now, it will take you until at least October to do progression through TDS, at which point you can buy the latest four expansions for $34.99x0.5 = $17.50 total.

    And while I'm thinking of it, here's an idea for a group content mechanic for the next expansion: Have the boss wait until all attacking toons are in visible rage, then have him/her shout the word "Failures!" at the top of his/her lungs, at which point all toons who were rolled as F2P alts will immediately drop dead.
  4. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    It is their prerogative to change the game. And that is what they did. No more free expansions. Daybreak is in business. Business's don't keep giving away freebies if there is no return. You can buy expansions half off once a year and at least that provides Daybreak with a little return to help support all the servers the free players are bogging down and not paying for.
  5. CrazyLarth Augur

    The current FTP ablity is for gold members to have access to old accounts for storage that might be gold again in a few years.
  6. Aurastrider Augur

    In all honesty if a person is truly ftp meaning they have zero accounts that are all access, zero accounts with expansion purchases past TDS and they have completed everything through TDS and are unwilling to purchase any content odds are they are not really a customer but just a consumer without providing any support. Players like myself have several accounts that have been ftp only but have purchased expansions due to the provided utility such as new buffs. The current ftp model is mostly aimed at trying to hook current all access members into purchasing extra things on these utility accounts at this point. Sure there truly are some new players but again if you are still on the fence after completing every expansion through TDS odds are you will always be on the fence.
    Endaar likes this.
  7. took2summit11 Augur

    Very well said. F2P model exists so new players can try the game out and see if they like it. F2P model does not exist so cheapskates that somehow can’t afford $17.50 a year for all current expansions (until the next one releases in a month or 2) can play the game they obviously love for free, but are unwilling to support.