Lockjaw / Ragefire

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Cenren, Dec 21, 2018.

  1. Cenren New Member

    I've tried looking for a previous thread, but has the idea ever been brought up to offer a vote to merge the servers?

    Given that these servers are both on the same expansion and have voting set up, seems like it's in the best interest of everyone on each server to gauge where the community stands on merging.

  2. TLPman Augur

    who cares both servers are just a bunch of box crews anyways
  3. Cenren New Member

    For someone who claims to be a TLPman you seem to know very little about 2 of the TLPs. Perhaps Trollman would be a more fitting name for you.

    Thank u, next!
  4. Silinius Augur

    Great question!

    The idea has been brought up multiple times in the last year both in public and in private message to various Community Staff / Devs both past and present. The top two guilds on Lockjaw want a server merge. However, given the limited staff and the directive to roll out new expansions and TLPs outweighing the need to fix the 2nd generation of TLPs; it's no surprise there has been no word on it. Some of us who are most impacted on the Lockjaw side are tired of waiting. Faceless is taking control of our own destiny. See you soon Ragefire.

    snailish and Dythan like this.
  5. Raina Elder

    Servers haven't been merged in many, many years. I honestly don't think anyone who still works on this game knows how to do it.
    Critt likes this.
  6. Silinius Augur

    Actually servers were merged recently (Fippy/Vulak less than 2 years ago?). It was just a nightmare to do so and many accounts were FUBAR in the process. The easy solution is to just open up free transfers which is essentially like a /testcopy and set a time limit. Won't matter for us at this point... but that is the easy solution.
    snailish likes this.
  7. Pyro New Member

    Free 1 way transfers from LJ to RF seem to be what is needed. 30 day period, free name change for anyone whose name is taken.
    snailish likes this.
  8. taliefer Augur

    i dont play on either server, but really sad to see history repeat itself. especially since the comparison to fippy/vulak was made over and over well before it came this point for lockjaw and ragefire.

    good luck on the re-roll
    snailish and Silinius like this.
  9. Silinius Augur

    The good news is, it's not an entire reroll; we just have to pay (which sucks).
    snailish likes this.
  10. snailish Augur

    Forced merger seems to be a hard to do right thing, unless the Fippy/Vulak "test run" allowed them to see what caused the issues and now this will be fine moving forward...

    Kudos to Faceless for moving themselves with paid transfers. Kind of crummy it is to that point though...

    I think allow free transfers from Lockjaw to Ragefire and put Lockjaw on auto 6 month unlocks till it catches live. [Fippy should be put on auto unlocks now too... been stuck for ages]

    Judge then if enough population remains to let it be its own server or merge it [ditto for Fippy] into an existing live server.

    *note: none of my Lockjaw characters are over level 20. I don't have skin in this either way.
  11. taliefer Augur

    oh, well thats something at least. I was thinking all character transfers were broken for some reason, but its just moving characters to a different account thats broken i guess
  12. Nolrog Augur

    Yes. The transfer to a different server is automated, so you click the token, pick the server and name if there is someone there that has it and boom, you're moved. Account to account is a completely manual process.
  13. Gremin Augur

    Server merge would be nice....
  14. -xeus- New Member

    Server merge only makes sense like it or not.
    Gremin likes this.
  15. kraggnar Elder

    a server merger/free transfer would be greatly appreciated!!!
    Gremin likes this.
  16. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    Looks like Ragefire needs to think about building a Wall. The grass is always greener on the other side. There is a mechanisim in place to ensure that only the best people transfer to Ragefire, and it's working perfectly. The bestest.
  17. Anug New Member

    Merge would be good, wouldn't say no
    Gremin likes this.
  18. jeskola pheerie

    Merge seems unrealistic, but I would like it. Would for sure settle for free transfers both ways. Free transfers from Ragefire to Lockjaw have been in place for a long time. Now that entire guilds are abandoning Lockjaw, I think it is only fair to open it up both ways. It is a lot more simple than a merge, and I think DBG owes it to the remaining loyal customers on Lockjaw.
  19. Silinius Augur

    There is no transfer from Ragefire to Lockjaw today. They had them open for a short period of time back in late Classic and then closed them. The only transfers between the two today are paid from Lockjaw to Ragefire. I'd have taken multiple recruits from Ragefire who have inquired in the past if transfers from Ragefire were still available :)
  20. jeskola pheerie

    Oh.. well they should reopen transfers both ways for free if they can't merge, in the interest of server health.