Old player from 1999 Stupified

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Lady Death, Dec 13, 2018.

  1. Thugrok New Member

    Or 106....
  2. Miauler New Member

    You could do what we've done on Antonius Bayle:
    • Create a guild that's there to catch new and returning players (or get someone to agree to host it with existing resources).
    • Invest in a neighbourhood guild hall with an attached village.
    • Make sure the server knows there's a catch all guild that's there to field people who haven't yet found their feet (or maybe have, and just want to join in).
    • Build the player base in this catch guild, and make sure you know exit points to raiding guilds (and have it such that players in raiding guilds can have alts in that catch all, for when they want to slack, or team with upcoming players and show them the ropes, or even host lowbie raids).
    • Spare gear and TS items can be donated to the guild stores from players who wish to do that, so there's more for the players that come along. So there are lower level groups, lower level gear, TS ingredients that don't cost the earth, and chances to raid.
    It takes a bit of welly to get going (Evildo on AB kick started things, and did the shouting, and grabbing random people to start things off), but now things are fairly newbie/returner friendly for a low pop server.
    Evildo and Rich_PDX like this.
  3. Derod Short New Member

    I would say join a TLP (timelocked progression server). Cornaiv is currently on the luclin expansion and has a good player base. My question is, did you want to see the higher level game? or what is the reason to go on a live server?
  4. code-zero Augur

    Why do you think that you need raid gear? I am not following the logic here. People can give you gear paths and all if you tell them what levels your characters are.
    As for old zones...they've been empty and sad for a long time and some of them weren't particularly healthy back in the day. In fact I'd say they mostly died with the introduction of "The Kunark Express" and were buried with the opening of Luclin
  5. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    You aren't seeing it wrong. You are seeing a different game than the one you left. Sadly, it's worse for wear. The jaded among respondents see the grind and gear as the most important piece of EverQuest, and often overlook the social aspect. They have *enough* friends to get what they need, screw everyone else.

    Your best bet is to begin reaching out to people. Be socially attractive. On my server, myself and a few others routinely run XP groups for lower level toons to join in the fun. Conversation is lively and fun and gear is had by all.

    You will RARELY see a raid toon step down and group with the underlings. Which is a shame because raiders can be some of the most talented folks in the game. They have a lot to offer and can display some of the capability that raid-quality gear and skill can do for a class. This helps to perpetuate the desire to actually become a raider.

    Sadly, I don't have the time to raid AND do progression. But I do the best I can in group gear.
  6. Rich_PDX New Member

    Very well put. I think a lot of us want to go back to get those feelings back, the feelings of friendships and learning a game with others. I just spent some cash on heroic characters as I just returned myself but you are making me consider coming to your server and meeting you all. It sounds like my type of play style.
  7. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    There is lots of group gear to get. You won't likely be getting raid gear until you are at or close to the max level of 110 that is the level where most of the raids occur. I suggest getting into a good family guild till you are close to level 110 or at it and have a chance to fill up on aa's. Depending on the server some have open raids like on Xegony but they will still ask for level 110 but no aa requirement.

    The thing is leveling is fast enough pre level 100 that it doesn't take forever to get there. Especially since you can click on autogrant (top right corner of the aa screen) and get all your aa granted as you level up to level 100 (I think someone correct me if I am wrong please).