
Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by o0shalka0o, Nov 14, 2018.

  1. o0shalka0o New Member

    Im going to be making a bard as soon as the dub xp hits, i have a 110 sk 110 mage that im going to powerlevel with...
    1-30 cresent reach / blightfire moors
    30-40 Lguk?
    40-55 Velks?
    55-80 i have no clue and no iddea if the above is good places to go.. please lend me a hand here
  2. Gana Augur

    Why on earth would you wait until 30 to go to LGuk if you are PLing? I would go at about 20 or right after I finish undead in CR. I would go to Nadox and pull Undead to the Hate's Fury zone (again breaking the spawns in half for less downtime between pulls). Pull the Luggald area to 60 (does get slow about 57, but maybe not with double xp). Farm in DH or FortMech to 75. Pop over to HoT/The Well/Grounds to get 80. I mean, if I were doing it, I would do that.
  3. Bikk Journeyman

    Why not use the hatchery? One lesson or pot can get you to 70ish if you park in POK when you pull.
  4. Newbie32 Deadbolt - Yelinak

    Why not heroic the bard to 85, then can group straight with you. And you won't have to worry about skills being so low from the power level.
  5. o0shalka0o New Member

    id love to heroic the bard, but i dont have any xtra $$
  6. Xhartor Augur

    With an SK I'm assuming your pulling massives amounts of mobs and using AE hate spell to hold aggro and DS them down. Just remember to wield a non-weapon in primary. The Bard PB AE DoT's that will damage the pile.

    Cresent Reach until 20.
    Bees in blightfire 35-40.
    Velks Spider until 50.
    Riwwi until 60.
    Then move to PoFire, Start at C1 and then move to C2.
    Once C2 slows down, move to Fort Mech.
    moogs and Tucoh like this.
  7. Krymorious New Member

    curious, which DS do you use to PL as a SK? I have an 85 heroic that I want to PL a couple of toons to box with.
  8. Wulfhere Augur

    SK as powerleveller must not wield a weapon or shield to avoid riposte damage. Wield a no-dmg 1h primary and nothing in secondary (or a non shield secondary that cannot bash).

    Damage shield stacking options:
    Slot 1 - Banshee Aura or Druid/Mage DS spell
    Slot 2 - Illusionary Spikes (typically back slot click)
    Slot 3 - Banshee Skin spell line
    Slot 4 - Storm Guard or Thorny Guard (DoN:TI finger or RoF:CToV back slot click)
    Slot 6 - Cloak | Drape spell line
    Slot 7 - Scourge Skin AA

    Careful not to stack too much damage that kills low level NPC too fast.
  9. Bigstomp Augur

    Potions help as well - shaman crafted skinspikes. You only need to do 1 damage with the smaller toon to have it get the xp.
    I've found in some cases adding a bard in a group (get an ae song early) takes a little longer (xp splitting), but is easier than having a melee toon actually hit everything. (there are some ae potions you can buy too for the little one, but they're a bit of a pain)
  10. Bigstomp Augur

    Plane of hate (the original) was pretty nice, I don't recall what level we went there for.
  11. Zalamyr Augur

    I was gonna suggest the same thing, haven't done it in awhile, wasn't sure if it'd been nerfed at all. Worked pretty well when I did it. Especially at the higher levels, didn't seem like much else was comparable.
  12. Nindra New Member

    Hatchery exp was cut by 90% and nerfed into oblivion a few months ago, there is no reason at all to exp in this instance anymore.
    Pirlo likes this.
  13. Aurastrider Augur

    This use to be my go to but if I recall they recently nerfed the xp in hatchery wing. I imagine to prevent people from using it as a PL instance.