Random tells getting dropped??

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Windance, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. Windance Augur

    Please revamp your spam filtering algorithm.

    It's getting to the point where it is easier to chat over 3rd party voice chat/text chat services than trying to figure out what random combination of letters is triggering the server/client to drop tells.
  2. Febb Augur

    Are you logging in via the patcher?
  3. Riou EQResource

    If you don't see the message at all, you have to turn Spam to show in Alt+O -> Chat, this will say a uchat message if your chat was spammed, and for other people you can click (spam) to see what they said

    I don't join general chat so it might be different there, but I haven't seen a legit spam message in years, just people being randomly flagged for random words that make no sense why they got spam filtered

    The spam filter is indeed bad
  4. Funk Augur

    I agree with the OP it is getting kinda silly.
    I tried to tell a friend that someone parceled me an item for free and how nice of a gesture it was. I guess that was spam.
    Tried again and said someone sent me an item for free, went through. So possibly the word parcel, which would be silly indeed since it's a word used to describe an in game feature.
  5. ForumBoss Augur

    Good to know, I was wondering why my tells were getting dropped. No, I wasn't offering plat for pennies.
  6. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    I keep a thesaurus open when I need to send a bunch of tells now.
  7. Astinox Journeyman

    I've been having to send tells in fragments due to this issue.
  8. Goshdern_VZ New Member

    Exactly what I've resorted to... it's annoying to have so many tells dropped in the last few weeks!

    Edit: just thought of something that may be useful for troubleshooting. I get some tells randomly dropped, but I've also had my afk message not work (when I sell items I put the details in an afk message because you cant argue price with an afk message :p ). So I auction I'm selling something, they send tell and my screen shows the afk message doesn't send AND they tell me they didn't receive it... however if I send a tell from an alt on the same computer it goes every time (on both screens). Maybe that will help you track down where this bug is originating.