Foraging Achievements

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by I_Luv_Foraging, Jun 29, 2018.

  1. I_Luv_Foraging Journeyman

    I've been thinking (at least, a guildie of mine has been thinking) that it would be a good idea to have foraging achievements put into the game with the next expansion. Now, there are a lot of things to be foraged, for sure, so I was thinking that perhaps the list would be limited to rare item forages, and depending on how rare the item would determine how many you would have to forage to get the achieve for that item.

    There is a lot of stuff we can come up with for this idea, but I (well, my guildie) wanted to toss out the idea first of having foraging achievements in the game to see what the general public thought of this first.

    Scramm likes this.
  2. Wizlard Augur

    Total waste of developers' time, but it would keep the hamster wheel spinning for some..
  3. Kempel Journeyman

    ONLY if they make it harder for Rangers and Druids....

    P.S. I don't like your guildie.
  4. Lisard Silly

    while they are at it, they should put in an achievement for how long you can afk in the guild lobby or PoK without zoning...

    joking aside, Idea's are always great. put em out there no matter how silly. because even tho the Dev's and other EQ (DBG) employee's don't always respond, they do read. and no matter how silly, it may just spark an idea to make it better, or expand on it.

  5. segap Augur

    How about just getting rid of achievements that are nothing but check boxes for the obsessed and returning to a game that's more about creating your own adventure and finding the things you personally find fun. Letting people use their imagination rather than feeding the obsessed with virtual tick marks.

    These things add no value to the game. They're not fun for most people. They're incredibly dull and life sapping. I personally avoid them because of that. However, I see several guild mates that must have OCD or something that get burnt out and eventually quit because they must check every box. They spend hours in /gu moaning about various busy tasks all in the name of completion. It's not fun and it's not healthy.
  6. Lianeb Augur

    How about not adding achievements that realistically only 3 classes can compete in
    Tiggold likes this.
  7. xcitng Augur

    A great achievement for the devs would be finding a way to prevent afk foraging ;)
  8. Vesuvan New Member

    The achievement system was put into the game for people that want to do them. If you don't want to do them, then don't, no one is making you. But, to suggest they take it out entirely because a select few think it shouldn't be in the game is kinda selfish and unfair to the rest of us that don't mind doing them.

    As far as being fair for all classes to "compete" in the foraging /achievements, I'm sure DB can figure out a way.

    It really wouldn't be a waste of time for the dev's if it keeps the hamster wheel spinning, considering new ideas make the hamster wheel spin in the first place.

    Another great achievement would be to finding a way to prevent afk killing.

    And, to come straight, the guildie that the first poster was referring to was me.
  9. Redhead Journeyman

    How about making it easier for everyone else? Who wouldn't love the ability to have higher level tracking? It would make progression in say Thul. island much easier (I spent a good 20 minutes foraging for the quests there, instead of say 3 minutes like the lucky guys).
    On the negative side, it would make the classes less unique, but, it's just an idea we're tossing around, would still be fun, maybe.

  10. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    Foraging achievements would be a crime against humanity, and I know Daybreak has some humanity left in them.
  11. Redhead Journeyman

    bah clumsy typist, not tracking, foraging - what was I thinking? who knows. Dino island messing with my brain :eek:
  12. Archery Lorekeeper

    EQ, like D&D were designed with class distinction vital to game play. Talking about limiting any class from excelling at things that make them unique (which is of course equally achieved by granting it to everyone) sounds allot like whining to me. We have co-mingled the distinctive elements of classes too much already.
  13. svann Augur

    for double pop infaction make the reward an aug thats better than the TS aug!
  14. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    Instead can I get an Advanced Forage Window where I can set items to always drop or always inventory?
    Can I get Forage to autofire like kick/backstab/frenzy/bash etc.?
    Can I get Forage to autoinventory automatically?
  15. Bigstomp Augur

    That works, lets add achivements for tanking and healing and teleporting and feign deathing.

    Achievements should be something that all classes can reasonably earn.
  16. Scramm Journeyman

    I think this would be a great idea. I know foraging is one of the things I generally couldn't care less about, but I'd definitely work on it if there was an achievement for it.