Truth or fiction

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Quest315, Jun 27, 2018.

  1. Quest315 Journeyman

    So, I was told that some people are pretty much getting hand outs on long dreaded VP key ground spawn camps and others are not based on "only when a GM is in the area".

    Was just wondering if this is true or not, before I make my next move.
  2. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

  3. Machentoo Augur

    Or, they get overwhelmed with useless junk petitions and your customer service experience is that much worse when you petition for something legitimate. Sounds like a solid strategy.
  4. Machentoo Augur

    Sometimes the only winning move is not to play.
    Funk, shidisu12, Sultan and 1 other person like this.
  5. Risiko Augur

    I did the SONH part of the key recently, and in two days of camping it, I was never handed the part by anyone, nothing was put in my bags, and nothing was put on my mouse cursor. I got the medallion by seeing the bag spawned, and clicking it. That's it.

    Therefore, I don't believe there is any truth to these rumors of pieces being given out.
  6. Umul Augur

    Truth: VP is optional and also not important. Being Coirnav has auto unlocks, there is no reason to complete the raids aside from wanting to complete them.
  7. Febb Augur

    It's amazing how productive doing nothing can be.
    Rhodz and Machentoo like this.
  8. Rhodz Augur

    When something is broken and obviously so, relatively easy to fix and yet remains broken, then there is a function being served. Yeah far better to pass on the key... hell the game even lol
  9. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Some vp gear is decent even into pop... not like everyone gets a full set of vt gear.
  10. Umul Augur

    Game is still immensely enjoyable for myself, I just chose to not participate in VP keying. On Ragefire I just didn't do it Lol. If I was playing on Coirnav I wouldn't do it. No guild worth their salt is going to stall on any raid post Kunark because they didn't farm PD for three months.

    I am glad they are giving out keys periodically on Coirnav. At least, that is a nice gesture.
  11. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Still doing your part after all this time too - now in new bold colors!
  12. Barathrum Augur

    I can not wait until we have a FV Server and i hope to god these things can be traded!
  13. DeseanJackson Augur

    Oh good, another thing I get to buy from people with auto clickers or have high play time availability for whatever reason. I think I'd rather everything be no drop than another FV server.
  14. Kahna Augur

    Two folks in my guild petitioned on alts who had never even been in the zone and got key pieces, a third petitioned and was not given the item. I petitioned my AJ piece, as I killed the mob but right before it died someone charmed it. My dots killed AJ while it was charmed, effectively deleting the piece. I was given the item by a GM. I got my SONH and Kaesora items the old fashioned way, another guild mate of mine who was at the spawn with me was given the item by the GM who was there handing out cookies. It is hit or miss though, depending on the GM you get.
  15. Risiko Augur

    I feel like the keying for VP is an unneeded nuisance anyway, so I'm not bothered if somebody didn't have to go through it. Good for them.
  16. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    I feel like razor blades are overpriced, so I often shoplift them.
  17. Machentoo Augur

    It isn't shoplifting if the store owner is handing them out.
  18. Ronzark Augur

    Using sarcasm along with terrible analogies is often a sign of cognitive dissonance. Might wanna get that checked out.
  19. Quest315 Journeyman

    And yet the GMs deny that any of this is going on. Yes, I mean, it is possible that some GMs are doing this and others are not. One would think there would at least be a tiny bit of communication, when in fact there is none.
  20. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Where did they deny it?