DBG - It's time to make EQ better

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Dilf, Jun 25, 2018.

  1. Dilf Augur

    I don't hate mercs. They serve their purpose, but once released, they completely remove the need for groups. You set the tank merc to MT, and you don't need to do much else of anything to destroy any camp you desire until 75-80 or so. My whole point is that the social aspect is still cool, but you shouldn't be forced into many hours of socializing (grinding) every day to keep up.

    I gave up playing on Ragefire because that aspect is gone. People set up their bot groups in Splitpaw to afk all night and magically come back to a hundred AA's to spend while non-boxers were left in the dust. The same abuse will most likely happen once mercs are enabled. When I left Phinigel, the only groups around were GE PL'ing groups that required a payment of 1 krono per hour.

    There is a sweet spot to balancing all of this, and it could be a major hit if DBG goes for it. I logged back into Phinigel the other night, and my 46'ish BL was getting 2% per kill for killing blues. Now that is way more reasonable instead of killing 2-4 even con mobs for 1%. You still have to put in some effort, but you aren't spending all day doing it. It shouldn't take 8? expansions or holiday weekends to make it reasonable.
  2. Turinbar Augur

    good lord, 20 year old game...sell this archaic relic already CL.
  3. Groans Augur

    I think some folks are over complicating why we want a high xp casual type of server with looser item rules is simple to me. I don't play wow, it requires too much button bashing and frankly I'm too lazy for all that now. I want to box one toon while I drink my cocktail and antagonize my long time EQ friends I still play with in discord. I don't have the energy time or brainpower past 830 PM (probably too intoxicated by then) I like this game because the pace of the combat is slow and I can play 2 toons with one hand with a cocktail in the other.

    I just would love to see a server where xp is fast locked 70 or below so I can roll every class if I want and chill with other old players like myself that are in no rush but don't want a crazy grindfest.

    Get rid of boss buffs on this server too so we can kill old raid bosses with small groups .
    Risiko likes this.
  4. RandomStrategy Augur

    You don't need to drop MotM, on Agnarr we did plenty of old content raid bosses withol just 5, and only two of the 5 had any real gear/aas. Deathtouch is the only real limiting factor on these old raid bosses.
  5. Ryak Augur

    Umm...They already did? Motm goes away when an expansion becomes eligible for fabled nameds.
  6. Groans Augur

    But it's a locked server , also let us have our vet AAs
  7. Gromph Elder

    Um, no? Classic exp was slow. IT IS A TLP SERVER. I will say bringing back bard swarming on TLPs and the glory days of being a bard should be brought back but only up until the expansion they were nerf bombed in that regard. However, I also say, bring back corpse runs, bring back terrible night vision, bring back staring at your book spell book to meditate. Trading is half of what makes the TLPs toxic to begin with, so you are insane with that bullet. TLP, time locked progression, beasts and zerkers come out when they come out. You are literally asking for a not TLP server but some fantasy server that caters to your individual desires. This does not bring back the "classic feel" which is what TLPs were designed for. The only valid bullet you have is the bard one.
    Groans likes this.
  8. Lantherion Elder

    My thoughts exactly
  9. Groans Augur

    then don't play there? You would have a choice you know.
  10. Gromph Elder

    You should probably direct your comment to the OP, complaining about TLPs as is.
    Groans likes this.
  11. Lantherion Elder

    I haven't been subbed to eq since coirnav launched and i don't plan on resubbing unless the next tlp is agnarr exp rate, fv ruleset, phinny progression. Take that for what you will but the bottom line is that daybreak isn't getting any money from me and i'm a potential customer.
  12. Risiko Augur

    This sums up a lot of people's idea of Everquest.

    We're not here to be uber, leet, or lollerskate pwn people kklathx.!.111.11!!!!! lol

    We play this 19 year old game because it's slow easy combat with meaningful character development that isn't thrown away with each new expansion.

    What is fun...
    • keying characters
    • experiencing all raid content
    • obtaining epic weapons
    • completing all quests
    What isn't fun...
    • 24+ hour camps to turn in an item to an NPC that despawns in 1 second or less after spawning because of multiple people standing around his spawn point auto-clicking
    • camping a mob for hours on end to get a piece for a key quest only to watch it get charmed by a bard and ran away
    • sitting for hours and hours and hour and hours on end staring at the ground in hopes of being able to click a bag faster than the other dozen people doing the same thing
    • putting up with guild leaders that think their poop don't stink just so you can have a chance to bid on an item once in a while and maybe win it
    • camping a rare mob with a group of friends for hours on end only to have some self righteous jerk train your group and take it
    The problem is that the game is designed to benefit the worst of the worst in today's society.

    There are no consequences for your actions in a game like EQ.

    EQ is the perfect example of what happens when there is no law and order in a society.
    Erutiarmy, Critt and Gromph like this.
  13. Machentoo Augur

    Bard swarm kiting can't be brought back. The reason it was nerfed is because it creates huge server lag. They have since had to nerf other abilities that allowed players to pull and kill 100+ mobs at once too.
  14. Dilf Augur

    If you truly read my post, I never asked for a Classic experience. My first bullet point should have made that very clear. Many of us still love the game, want to do it all over again, but cannot afford to sit for hours on end to gain a single level. Slow exp on a TLP server does not make it Classic. What you are suggesting is P99, so there's that for you.

    All of you economic professionals want to complain that FV-style trading would be an RMT nightmare, but doesn't that exist currently on most TLP servers today with all tradeable goods, and is still a major problem in P99 - the defacto Classic experience? Qvic Goat gear loot rights being sold happens on TLP servers, for example, and that's not tradeable. What's the difference if someone farms them and puts them in the bazaar instead of letting it rot if there are no takers?

    Do you feel extra classic playing a class you hate until Beastlords and Berserkers come out? The existing loot database already tags these classes - shouldn't your classic experience have gear that doesn't think they exist until those expansions arrive, only for devs to re-write existing databases all over again?! Get real, having these 2 classes at launch does not change anything.

    I'm glad I have you for opinion validation.
  15. Groans Augur

    hes asking for a different ruleset, I don't see that as complaining, some folks get all upset over what people are asking for, why? If you don't want what we want don't play there, it's really that easy. He by suggesting something different than what you want is not an attack on you or your style of play, we just want an old man easy server...
    Adrienna and Dilf like this.
  16. Ronzark Augur

    Cracks me up when people call playing a video game HARD WORK!!! :confused:

    Get real. It's a freaking game, NOTHING IN IT IS HARD.

    And way to be the typical troll, telling him to go play WoW. Real mature.
    Dilf likes this.
  17. Gremin Augur

    Daddy, I want it now!
  18. The Hated One Augur

    keying a character is fun? Whatever lol. Keys are a bane of EQ...or have you not read 1/5th of the posts here? Fast unlock TLPs should have no keys. Just open all the zones so paying customers can enjoy the game. I have done every key many times...sick of it. Just want to hang with my friends in instanced zones and kill stuff for fun. That way, as stated above, I don't have to deal with the worst of society and can still enjoy EQ with friends.
  19. jeskola pheerie

  20. doah Augur

    Nothing else should be done to EQ until levitation is disabled in PoFire or invisible walls put up.