Bazaar is bad for the game

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Oldveteran, Apr 30, 2018.

  1. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    Health bars in Pantheon could work like Sense Heading was supposed to work originally.

    "You think GroupMate A has two-thirds of his health."
  2. Baldur Augur

    No health bars, players looks should change as they take more damage.

    Start to limp around and bleed profusely as they are about to die. Gotta be immersive and realistic.
  3. Hateseeker Augur

    Are you one of the regular posters on the Pantheon subreddit? If not you should go there now and suggest this, I'm sure it will get at least some support.
  4. slayerofbats Augur

    People don't tend to buy and sell items on the buyers. They just do tradeskill junk that nobody wants to deal with anyway. And none of this would be necessary anyway in a game with better itemisation.

    No you do it like I said, "WTS tradeskill stuff" and let people talk to you about it. Auction is for a specific item, like a real auction.
  5. Brunnt ForceTrauma Lorekeeper

    Do... do you honestly think this is a good idea? You cannot possibly, right?
  6. Dreven Lorekeeper

    Don't see the issue - you can still choose to interact with the seller at a later time by sending him a message and barter. This is an international game, not everyone is on at the same time and it gives accessibility. However, I do kind of understand your point at the same time - the command lands commerce scene is awesome ;)
  7. slayerofbats Augur

    Do.... do you not know that this idea already exists and is proven to work well?
  8. Polekn Augur

    It is so easy to fix - if you do not like bazaar go with like-minded individuals to Commonlands tunnel and sell/buy stuff there.
  9. Brunnt ForceTrauma Lorekeeper

    Oh yah dude. All the latest MMOs are touting their ability to sell your wares by yelling in global chat channels only during the times you are actually online. It is the latest fad in good game design. I am totally aware.
  10. Numzan Augur

    One way to slow down the krono sales on items... would be a great feature to add from the start.