Raiding guilds & Magelo

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by noclue, Apr 27, 2018.

  1. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    That is interesting.
    What is the expected gain for this kind of overhead?
    I am partly responsible for apps in my guild, and i'd really like to know as i tend to follow the human nature much and KISS.
  2. Odiiusx Elder

    Have fun not raiding with top guilds then. (At least on AB, since we know by your posts you will never leave)...but then again, the funny thing is, I have to check yet another 3rd party site to even tell if there are any top level guilds on accordance with that site, you are in the clear.
    Thraine likes this.
  3. Warpeace Augur

    Can also use to create a profile. Its free with minimum effort to create and keep updated. Will allow you to build wish lists for gear and augs.
  4. feeltheburn Augur

    you are very entertaining really.
    Boze likes this.
  5. Puzzling Journeyman

    Could have made 3 Magelo profiles in the time it took you to compose that rant!
  6. feeltheburn Augur

    just shut the thread Zhaunil has spoken for the masses and is more far seeing then any of the little people. All hail.
    Thunderkiks likes this.
  7. Sindaiann Augur

    Magelo turned into a conspiracy thread about 3rd party spyware

    Can I get a tin foil hat too please??
    Sokki likes this.
  8. Cicelee Augur

    My magelo link is on my RL resume. Potential future employers like to see how dedicated I am to creating and maintaining one...
    svann likes this.
  9. Febb Augur

    When a person doesn't have much of an argument, they start to attack the credibility of the source in order to dig up dirt that isn't there. Then again, considering the poster we're talking about, he likes to argue no matter what the subject is.
    Siny and Sindaiann like this.
  10. Thraine Augur

    Most top end raiding guilds require them for applicants for obvious reasons, but after that i think its a personal thing for most. I like to keep mine up to date even on my alts so its easier to look up what gear i have on them when bidding on rot loots
  11. Boze TLP complaint factory

    I like tinkering with gear, seeing exact gains from swapping pieces, planning out phat lewts, and wearing a tin-foil hat.
    Zaviere likes this.
  12. Raccoo Augur

    Even if you weren't wanting to show you profile, using magelo is excellent way to find where you stored items on different characters. It is better than the in game find, since it isn't limited by only checking plots owned by the character.
  13. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    Sure. I do the same, with before/after comparisons and perhaps a spreadsheet. And if that means you need Magelo for that (you don't) and that because of that you're fine with installing software you do not know what it does exactly but by it's very "reason for existance" reads your network traffic, then by all means go ahead. You're probably having more than that one openness to your system/privacy already then.
    The world information industry needs such careless people and in fact the Apples, Amazaons and Facebooks make a good living off them and the ever-paranoid NSA is thankful too.

    I've said i can see some - very limited - use for Magelo still. To be precise, for it's manual use.
    But i see no use nor need at all (nor a real requirement, except that it's developers want it that way, for what reason i wonder?) for installing the Magelo updater - or any kind of software of that kind for that matter that i haven't seen the source code for and compiled myself. Let alone a reason that would justify the requirement of a Magelo-Profile to app to a guild.

    Rather than cry about "data leaks" (and see some kiddo CEO promise to be better in the future in a congress hearing) or "scammed credit cards", i take precautions to minimize the impact of such things on me - not taking unnecesary risks with my system and network traffic is merely part of that.
    I value my privacy, and when i look to the US, Hungary, Poland or Turkey for good reason too.
    If you don't, that's on you - doesn't mean i am paranoid or running around with tinfoil hats. It just means that i am more careful than you - that's all i've got to say about that.

    And to come back to the topic of the thread, for an app i for one want to judge him by his deeds rather than by some padded profile somewhere. Having a Magelo, even if it is a "top" one doesn't mean squat. For my server, i see Mageloprofiles from Tanks i know - and their issues/shortcomings are not represented by the Magelo profile but far more impacting than missing some of the latest gear or that elusive aug from some anniversary event. GEAR is the least factor i evaluate when considering an app - gear comes in time, if it is missing. Gear does not make an exceptional player either. On the other hand, i see Magelo-profiles of players on my server that put them "somewhere among the rabble" (i.e. not in the top10) when i know they're fine warriors.
    In fact, the warrior i regularly group with is hands-down the best i've seen in a long while and certainly the best in our guild. He beats (with his actual tanking) each and everyone that Magelo lists as "top". Shame on any guild that would "laugh his application off" (as some guilds write it in their application process) if he were to bother to guild-switch some time simply because his Magelo is level 75 or so and all but current. That's the short-sightedness i was talking about above.

    By all means, do yourself the disfavor to DEMAND a magelo-profile, and perhaps an authentic one to boot. If a guild does that, i think that guild's leadership is dumb, and i have no inclination to associate myself with dumb people. That really all there is to say about it.
    And thus i am done with this aspect of the thread as well.
  14. Funk Augur

    You just wrote two books to argue against taking 10 minutes to make a profile for applying to a guild.
    And I didn't read either of them.
    Sancus and Sindaiann like this.
  15. Sindaiann Augur

    Please list every toon name you have, including all alts, so if ever you are looking for a guild we all know never to accept one of yours.

    My god the incessant crap that you spew never ceases to amaze
    EnchFWO and Sancus like this.
  16. Tyche Elder

    Apparently Zhaunil only runs software he has the source code for and compiles himself. Can i get that link to the EQ source code and Windows while youre at it?

    Buddy, why dont you set up 7 proxies, install the magelo updater and run wireshark and see what is being transmitted. Post your proof everyone is a moronic shepple except you.
    Zaviere likes this.
  17. Axxius Augur

    If you insist on expecting the source code of all software you use - I'm surprised you are playing EQ at all (or are you running WINE under Linux?).

    3rd party or not, matters less and less these days. Anybody using Windows 10 has a piece of spyware (by definition) called Cortana on their system. Even if Magelo Update tried, it couldn't get more information than you consent Microsoft to get by accepting their EULA.
    Sancus and Sindaiann like this.
  18. Repthor Augur

    his afraid magelo gonna steal his gay dwarf p o r n when he updates his magelo. very reasonble imo
    Sindaiann, Thunderkiks and Thancra like this.
  19. segap Augur

    When you don't know anything about an applicant, Magelo profiles are a good point to start off conversation and dig in. They can show you how much effort one puts in. When you see people with empty aug slots, mage summoned augs, or only ones from the Gribble vendor, that can raise flags. Have they bought type 3 augs and/or obtained other type 3s that are useful for their class. You can get an idea of their thought process by seeing if they're focusing on any particular stats, or just randomly equipping things like the hCha type 5 aug (yes, I've seen people app with those). Things like that can start conversations. They show you if they bother doing any research to learn their class. You won't learn what they're capable of until you actually see them in action or if you have members that came from the same guild they're coming from. Yes, someone can request ach links and inspect their character in game, but the profile allows a larger audience to see.

    Being weary of the magelo agent for security reasons isn't something to just shrug off. There's room for concern there when dealing with something that has the capabilities it does. You do need to decide whether or not you trust Magelo or not. They do have a long history and enough people use it to give them some positive reputation. Being weary when it comes to securing your computer is wise, however.
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  20. Thraine Augur

    news flash ... no one cares, and none of us are as important as we think we are. your a blob of carbon on a rock floating around a ball of gas in the bowels of one of a million galaxies ... and you think "the man" is coming to get lil ole you?!?

    rofl dude keep posting pls this stuff is $$$ lol