Common conversations with friends Subject : Leaving coirnav because of exp

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by cynosis, Mar 26, 2018.

  1. Vandir Lorekeeper

    The biggest difference on a personal level was that Phinny was a literal bait n' switch. We knew Coirnav would be bad. We at least went into it with our eyes open.
    A_New_Cleric and Ashenor like this.
  2. Green_Mage Augur

    The exp rate simply tests your commitment to the server...there is not a lot of wide-spread commitment this time around is all. Most people seemed to have a "ehh why not" attitude or were planing to play whatever the next tlp was anyway. There was no unique appeal to Coirnav. This makes the exp rate harder to swallow I guess.

    I think slower exp should go with slower unlocks...pretty obvious IMO. I must be one of the only people posting that is ok with the concept of slower exp...I just think it was a bit misplaced on Coirnav
  3. Kahna Augur

    They are pretty much the same, people swearing that Phinny would die due to low exp. Even I said the exp was bad for the server. It wasn’t, the server lived and did fine. Corinav will too.

    I actually prefer the slower exp. My group has been pretty “casual”, for us anyway. We camped gear, we messed around and did some exploring, we went to less effective exp spots because we wanted an item or three. We took entire days off because one person couldn’t log on. However, we are also a static group and all good at the game, so when we did knuckle down and grind out exp it went very quickly. For the most part we were getting a level every hour to hour and a half, when we put our minds to it. We are all 46+ now, and planning the next round of characters.

    I found Agnarr to be too quick. I did 1-50 and 50-60 in less than a week there. I get that people have lives and such, but I don’t really want to see EQ turned into a 1-2 hour a night kinda game. That isn’t EQ, and has never been EQ. If you do want a game that you can play for 1-2 hours a night and excel at there are a plethora of other options. There are even a plethora of other servers to choose from with faster exp.

    And, yes, I am an adult with a full time job and a spouse and even hobbies that don’t involve gaming. Corinav doesn’t need to have 20+ raiding guilds to be a happy bustling server. If you don’t like Corinav and it doesn’t meet your needs, perhap one of the other 4 TLPs will.
  4. Grebhiker Lorekeeper

    Lockjaw will gladly welcome all the refugees from Coirnav with open arms.

    The EXP must flow!
    Adrienna likes this.
  5. Punchu Augur

    Quarm lasted 52hrs on Phinny. Agnarr won't be much different.
    A_New_Cleric likes this.
  6. Oldeqplayer Journeyman

    People want to gear thier characters from raids who never had the chance before. How many times can you kill a raid boss if you do it once per week. As well as compete for loot ... That all takes more time, espically when your guild is not ready to jump in and kill the expac final boss on day one.

    I will be looking for a server that has family type guilds progressing through the game still, even if they are a few expac behind. Xp is slow this server and not enough connection to random people there to trudge through an hour when I could work a main or fun alt and make progress on a server with an active main.

    I'm not a farmer so making krono does not appeal to me, but I certainly see the draw for it if you like to spend your time that way. I also like to loot my own gear or hunt it ... something that is more and more unusal with today's gamers.
  7. Weebles Augur

    I was replying to the op, who literally said "all of us are 45+".
    Nolrog likes this.
  8. Nolrog Augur

    So let me get this straight. You have 10+ people who are all within striking distance of max level after the server is open after only 11 days of a 12 week cycle, and you are complaining about the XP. Do I get that right?
    Ajjantis likes this.
  9. Hawer Lorekeeper

    Just throwing my opinion in here. I cancelled my sub today as I just don't see a future on Coirnav. I played EQ from launch in '99 through Luclin and just came back to Agnarr shortly after Velious opened up. I was having a blast on Agnarr, but given I never played any of the expansions from PoP onward I felt like I would be missing out on a lot. I would be lost starting out on Live and just felt too far behind to get going on Phinny. Coirnav seemed perfect, but after playing there for a little over a week and looking at the time commitment needed I just couldn't keep going.

    The xp rate with the bonus really wasn't that bad, slow and I would definitely prefer Agnarr's rate, but it seemed do able. However, I prefer to play a few alts to keep from getting burnt out on doing the same role. That won't be an option on Coirnav, not once the bonus is over, not with my play time, not unless I give up raiding in era content.

    I think I could have maybe made something work even with the xp, but every other PUG group I ended up with the conversation would always shift to something negative about the xp, how much they were dreading the Kunark grind and most claimed no way would they be making an alt. Over half the people I enjoyed grouping with and added to my /friend list have since stopped playing. This might be common when TLP open for all I know, the forums are pretty much all negative all the time, but in-game Agnarr was never like that, at least not to that extent. This was just my own experience and I have no idea how it will play out, I was just too worried about the future of the server to sink hundreds and hundreds of hours into it. Also, I would hope the next TLP is more suited for a player like me and I would prefer to go into that fresh instead of having just had a negative experience going through the same content.
  10. Zoshiro New Member

    Have a 50, and a few others on Corn, and it is just too slow. Most of the people I knew just gave up and find another game. What is with everyone saying, "Wait for new tlp" I about, no? They need to raise the xp rate a ton, or Corn will be dead. Even with the bonus and pots, its slow. At least on Phinny, the bonus was DOUBLE xp and the pots were we have 50% bonus xp, and 25% pots....sorry, this isn't working. Like EVERYTHING, you guys it up Daybreak. Fix it, or easiest thing to do would just be chargeback and find a new game, people no longer have time to play EQ like a full-time job. Please raise exp rate, this server sucks.
    HoodenShuklak likes this.
  11. Gemini Syringes Augur

    One way to make things more interesting would be to increase the experience modifier of any levels up to the level cap of the previous expansion. For instance, when Kunark opens, 1-50 experience is increased by XX%, while the current expansion levels (51-60) remain at the normal rate. When PoP opens, 1-60 is increased, while 61-65 is normal, etc. If an expansion does not increase the level cap, there's no corresponding increase.

    This leaves the leveling game intact, allows for creation of alts and creates an environment where people feel confident subbing later in the server's cycle because they know they can catch up.

    Just an idea.
  12. Vandir Lorekeeper

    I think this is kinda the key... and I kinda agree with it. I think the current XP rate (that is to say, with the 50% bonus) is actually a pretty good rate. It's not as fast as Agnarr, but it's not genital crushingly punishing, either. I actually think if this were the normal rate of the server, that very few people would have a leg to stand on as far as the complaints go. It's almost the perfect medium between casul scum and hardcore GOTTA GO FAST.

    Idk. As much as I'd love Agnarr-fast... I'm not offended by the current rate w/ the bonus. It's the prospect of going back to the "normal" rate (which is to say, without the 50% bonus) that offends me.
  13. Kahna Augur

    What? Phinny never had 90% pots, It still doesn't have 90% pots. It got 50% pots with Luclin. They did have double exp over the holiday weekends but that was just a weekend, not 2 weeks straight.
  14. Derd Augur

    Admit it, you all are just trying to make them think everyone is leaving due to the xp rate, when its supposed to be the way it is. No one should be making multiple levels in a day on these servers once you get past lvl 10 or so, how many hours are you guys playing ? It's going to be lvl 50 for 12 weeks, and there isn't that much gear that makes any real difference between the best and the worst, enjoy the journey.
  15. JustPuttinThisHere Lorekeeper

    I agree with your sentiment (enjoy the journey), but bro, it gets easier after 10.....
  16. TimeBreak Elder

    Just my 2cp. I never planned to play Coirnav until after Agnarr was done with PoP, but I had some old friend texting me they were coming back to play and it had 2 weeks of 50% bonus xp. I played 2-3 days and probably 10-12 hours and got my SK/Shm to lvl 9. Made caster alts, got Enc/Mage to lvl 3. At lvl 3 I killed 5 Dark Blue mobs in Nek and got less than 1%. The xp is faster than the bait and switch they did to us on Phinny but the drop off from killing white or yellow cons to dark blue is insane.

    So I've been back on Agnarr, those friends that were texting continued for the first week and haven't seen them on since. I quit Phinny in Kunark, 50-60 was just horrible, and I don't see Coirnav being any better.

    "The journey" really what journey, most of us have played on at least 3 TLPS or more. If 1-50 gives you any kind of thrill then grats for you, as for most everyone else Classic is just something we have to put up with on TLPs until some of the funner expansions open up. Honestly I was so tired of the classic grind that I played 1 month on Agnarr then didn't come back until the 2nd month of Velious.

    So here we are, not even 2 weeks in, and I have 0 desire to play on Coirnav ever again. I will stay on Agnarr, complete PoP, then probably stop playing again until maybe another TLP with better xp or a better ruleset are offered.
  17. discordkitty Augur

    It's actually still slower than Agnarr's normal rate even with the XP bonus.
  18. Ajjantis Elder

    Does this look like a dead server?

    Is the exp slow? Yes. Would i mind an increase in exp gain? No.

    But what are you all even talking about? We have a ton of 50s. Im super casual and hit 30 already. Ive got 10 (!) more weeks to get to 50 before the new exp pack comes. What is the real issue here? Slow leveling? Leveling in everquest IS the journey.
    Why does everyone want to jump to 50 immediately? What is your real goal?

    One guy had the nerve in this thread to complain about the slow exp AND that its the same content again. Ofcourse its the same content. This is a progression server, not a new game. You cant come here and complain about the content not being new lol.

    Chill guys, really. The exp is slow, but it isnt as big of an issue as you try to make it. Thousands of players are leveling fine.
    And stop spreading false information about the server and stop calling it dead. Dungeons sometimes have up to 7+ instances running and you still cant get a decent camp because there just too many people around.

    You got 10 more weeks to get to 50, enjoy the journey, this is no race.
    A_New_Cleric likes this.
  19. slayerofbats Augur

    That's ridiculous :/
  20. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Why are people talking about levels like that's the goal on a tlp expansion?

    Id guess 90% of players want to actually gear their characters in raid gear. Another large percent of people want to play more than 1 character. So... you don't have 12 weeks just to hit 50. You need to actually be raiding a lot to and gear your toon. If you hit plane of sky in week 8 youre not gonna make it dude.

    Also, phinny was fine because it didnt compete with... you know. ... another exact phinny as well as a faster Phinny. It brought a slew of enhancements and unique selling features to the tlp table.