Finally time for Broken Golem/Wraith of Shissar?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Dembian, Feb 25, 2018.

  1. Dembian New Member

    So we asked on Ragefire/LJ, asked on Phinny and Agnarr

    Is it time to finally make Wraith of Shissar/Broken golem spawn in instances or spawn in classic atleast?

    I viewed the DBG issue tracker its been widely wanted by alot of players

    so DBG any chance?
    hurikane and potatoface like this.
  2. Tepin Journeyman

    So much this!
  3. Darchias Augur

    It's a great QoL fix for people who want to roll Wizards and Enchanters. The Enchanters have other blocks on their progression (Vessel Drozlin, the Neriak kill), to be honest Wraith isn't even the worst target for their epic, but Broken Golem kind of bottlenecks the entire Wizard epic. If Broken Golem spawned in DZ's, it would actually become on of the easiest epics (though the Phinny drop is still a huge pain in the , if only because of the low drop rate).

    It's unfair, I think, on a TLP server to have some epics be simple to get with the addition of DZ's and have some be unreasonably difficult due to DZ's. Consistency is important. Take all the epic quest items out of DZs, or put all of them in. Preferably the latter, I'm pretty sure I'll get lynched if you pick the former.
    potatoface likes this.
  4. Vandir Lorekeeper

  5. Barudin_Phinigel Augur

    potatoface likes this.
  6. Vandir Lorekeeper

    Using DBG's own assets against them...
  7. Dembian New Member

  8. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Was a good idea for agnarr... just stupid to leave these easy things broken. All leads back to my thinking that the people in charge of the game have never played it much.
    Ronzark likes this.
  9. Coirnav Augur

    They still haven't fixed Marl yet right?
  10. Dembian New Member

    I don’t understand how you can ignore wraith/broken golem issues and marl karstane to althoygh atleast you can spawn him in a pick with guildys.
    People been wanting this change since ragefire/lockjaw

    Yet newbie tunics/zone mod exp and some doors in unrest become locked issues are above that?

    Mind boggling
    potatoface likes this.
  11. wherehouse Lorekeeper

    Why would they address legitimate problems like Broken Golem/other epic bottlenecks when they can work on making players' lives harder by pointlessly removing revamped CT zone, messing with classic zone XP bonus and re-activating VT warders for no reason.
    potatoface likes this.