When to buy latest expansion

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Margot Heart, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. Margot Heart Elder

    Hey im only lvl59 with my character now .
    When will be a good time to get the new expansion?
    Im guessing it only has content for max level characters?
    Should i wait until i get to 110 or even further maybe the next expansion ?
    What are your thoughts?
    Thanks Heart Margot
  2. Slippry Augur

    Somewhere around Level 100-105 is when RoS become relevant. There's no features or content for players below ~100 in the newest expansion.
    Margot Heart likes this.
  3. silverj New Member

    That is true, but for free to play people the time to buy the new expansion is at level 75, when they are able to enter TBM for the greatly upgraded non-prestige gear. You have to get the latest expansion currently to open TBM.
    Margot Heart likes this.
  4. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Depends on how many expansions you have now? Are you free with the F2P limit of COTF? Or are you paying account with something a little higher? Because buying the latest will give you all expansions but maybe you already have enough for now?

    But overall I would not worry about the latest expansion at level 59. There is so much to do before you get up to the higher levels in ROS or even EOK. And unless you power level then it will be a while.

    There is nothing in either for any level under 100. It was very disappointing when I was level 90 and ROS came out and I could not even get a low quest in there.

    If you wait it may be on sale next Nov and you could save some money and by then you will be higher level. Also there is tons of non prestige armor in HOT and Shards if that is what your looking for.
    Margot Heart likes this.
  5. Margot Heart Elder

    I got all expansions except latest and im allaccess
  6. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    You don't need to buy the new expansion yet unless you want to. From previous posts I see you were stuck in the Tuffien task so it will be some time before the latest one will be of use to you. :)
    Margot Heart likes this.
  7. Margot Heart Elder

    Hehe yeah you are right