Coirnav & MoTM

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Death Strudel, Feb 15, 2018.

  1. Time Burn Augur

    This likely involves far more revenue than they are currently bring in to make happen.
  2. Paralyze Journeyman

    Win/win right here. I'd like to see more challenging content for small guilds of 6-18 players instead of straight out barring them from the content. Nobody wants loot handed to them, we want something to do besides farming the same dungeon over and over again.

    Make instances a playground for group players and all of a sudden you'll remove a lot of toxicity in open world... which just so happens to make PAYING customers stick around! Isn't that the point of the instancing in the first place?
  3. Painful New Member

    It would be nice to be able to do old content without a raid force, and all these people clamoring to keep MoTM are people using third party programs to make sure all their virtual machine boxes cast at the same time for them - just sayin
  4. Kahna Augur

    Everyone who doesn't agree with me is cheating? Really? That is where we are going?
  5. Silias McKendrick Augur

    I want MotM to be gone on new server.
    I like a challenge but I don't like having to field
    a full 72 raid so I can kill vox and naggy so it doesn't take
    a damn year to kill.

    30 people back in the day was the norm to kill
    them in 6mins give or take.

    I'd rather see raids restricted to 6 or 7 groups
    max for classic/kunark, then 8 or 9 for velious,
    10 for luclin, then normal for pop.

    Stop catering to people who have nothing better to
    do with life than sit in front of a PC all day.
    Rest of the community wants to play, not dedicate their
    life to it.

    And if I hear it's a small percentage of the population,
    I'd love to reach and smack you with the bed pan you
    use to play. Because you have no idea the people that
    would actually play if the game would not take so much
    time from real life responsibilities.
  6. -wycca Augur

    I have good news for you and the others. It takes nowhere near a full raid for any of this content. In fact, I'm fairly sure the content you listed could be done with 36. In fact, the 72 you seem to claim is necessary for Nag/Vox is more like 18-20. This holds true for most content, it's only a couple that take higher.
  7. Febb Augur

    It would be nice if I could do everything in EQ just by myself in current content but that's not how this game is designed. This is a social game that was designed around current content needing a full group for group content and large raid forces for raid encounters. Even with MotM on these raid encounters, you can still beat them with less people than it took originally. The player power creep over the years to speed people through the levels to the top end has turned TLP servers into a laughing stock when it comes to raids.

    For all of you asking them to make the raids even easier, you can easily invite people into your guild on a brand new server to make up a large raid force capable of taking down those targets. All it takes is some organization spread out among several people and it can be accomplished.
  8. Silias McKendrick Augur

    It took 6mins for a full force to kill Vox on Agnarr, well organized
    It use to take the same 6mins to kill her in classic with 30.

    It's about making these targets a time sink without numbers.
    There is no more challenge, just extra wasted time.
  9. Silias McKendrick Augur

    The motm is not a challenge you are right.
    So why are we making this into a damn time crunch.

    25 to 40 people are more than enough to be social with.
    We don't need every Tom, , and Harry for a full 72
    raid to avoid time sinks because it take 15 mins to kill with
    24 instead of 6 like it use ti, not to mention the organization time
    it takes to gather direct more people. I don't like wasting time
    just for the sake of wasting time.
  10. Febb Augur

    The time it takes to clear encounters is there for a reason. It's was to prevent people from clearing out everything in the expansion in one raid night. It's a stop gap. They don't want people getting completely geared out and sitting on their hands for the rest of the expansion until the next one releases. They want people to continue to play through out the expansion because they get more revenue that way.
  11. Silias McKendrick Augur

    Hello, have you heard that thing called alts? Or
    better yet that we are at a 12 week release schedule.
    I think people would much rather have fun lvling and gearing alt than
    continuing with the same damn encounters to gear one toon
    that will be replacing all gear in 12 weeks again.
  12. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Somehow a large number of the guilds on Phinigel managed to beat the expansions and gear up in the same 12 week timeframe.

    You also don't need to gear all of your alts in dragon/god gear, heck most of the best gear in Kunark comes out of Chardok with mobs that have no mitigation.
  13. Silias McKendrick Augur

    Yes, I was on phinny. Yes we beat all raids easy.
    Most raids were full, then split to show off.
    So why bother making everyone keep together a
    ton of people to race (same people with bed pans),
    instead of allowing a more intimate setting for a casual
    group of players. The races on last 4 damn progression
    servers were not enough?
  14. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Offtopic but why do you keep
    ending your lines so early

    These forums automatically
    go to the next line when your text reaches a certain point.

    It sort of messes up the formatting
    and makes it hard to read.
  15. Silias McKendrick Augur

    On cell phone, so it's easier to keep what I am saying
    in view to review so I don't have to scroll left to right as much.
    Ckador likes this.
  16. Silias McKendrick Augur

    Let me see if I can rephrase this so people understand better.

    None of us want easier content.
    All us play this game for the social interactions.

    Motm is not a bad thing, but for progression servers it puts a time crunch of 12 weeks, so it kills off alot of players who cannot dedicated the extra time and stay relative.

    I cannot speak for everyone, but 19 years ago I did not have a 60 hr work week, 2 kids, and tons of responsibilities.

    It does not take 72 to kill these targets no. All the high end guilds have that 72 force though making it easy to race through, gear tanks then split or endure players dropping off. ( I played on phinny, most top end guilds operated this way.

    This kills those smaller/casual guilds and players with limited time through having players poached to these massive guilds.

    It would be much less time sink without motm, and to keep the challenge equivalent reduce the player raid size.

    It should not be to much to ask on a 19 year old game to keep it
    fun, challenging, but not require us to quit our jobs and use bed pans to enjoy the nostalgia of the progressive servers. There are 4 other servers that require bedpans already. I'm sure there can be a better solution to balance things out.
  17. Titanuk88 Elder

  18. KPW99 Lorekeeper

    Wasn't naggy 2 manned on ragefire before motm?
  19. Kahna Augur

    Huh? Phinny had what, 21 guilds finishing content through PoP. How is that not letting small guilds finish content. You do not need 72 to kill this stuff, even with MoTM. I agree that it makes the fights last a boringly long amount of time but you can most certainly still have you 60 hour a week job and kids and find a guild of like minded people that embraces your casualness and still kills stuff. You won't gear up as fast as other folks but luckily it doesn't really matter that much.
  20. Kahna Augur

    No. Not because it couldn't be done theoretically, but because no one would have stood by and let 2 people have the kill. I do think there was a time when a massive boxer got the kill, but there was also a full raid beating on it racing.