EQ Is Dead To Me

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by ClassicGnome, Feb 16, 2018.

  1. enclee Augur

    Well you got the Old EQ experience like you wanted, the holy trinity and permacamping open world mobs. If you’re not getting groups, then go find them. Come up with something to do and broadcast you’re lookjng for players. WoW has the Dungeon and raid fonder but that’s not the style here. Establish a community reputation, add friends, and enjoy the game. Old school EQ wasn’t known for giving people players what they wanted, when they desired it.

    Enjoy your break.
  2. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    These forums aren't an airport. You don't need to announce your departure.
    Nennius likes this.
  3. IblisTheMage Augur

    So if I wanted to harm this game, this is what I would do. Use “astroturfing” or “sock puppets” to drive negative narratives.

    I really think this kind of posts should be deleted from this site, they can go to reddit, this is a business that is an mmo, and it need to protect its business’ interests.
  4. Stiku New Member

    EQ is absolutely not dead to me. I sometimes take a break but like many players i come back. I don't group or raid anymore cause i have had some bad experiences which made me dislike grouping/raiding. I 3 box my own group now with zero problems and very much enjoy myself!
  5. Sagarmatha Augur

    Bye, Felecia.

    This means we don't have to read any more of your lunatic whining, riiiiiight?
  6. Tornicade_IV Augur

    Why would you need to get into a group if you don't like groups and why does solobility make a difference to you if your boxing. Are you boxing or soloing? This is a rhetorical question. Your having issues witht he availability of gear.. why not try a current server and play the TSS expansion.

    so your answer to the perma campers is to be a perma camper. I wanted to sympathize but afk botting means your using 3rd party software and your previous complaint about soloing are not valid.
    Your the Nerd Perma Camper who apparently isn't very good at it.

    this kinda hypocritical. your complaining about afk botters who are better afk botters than you are.

    yet you want to insist eq is on its last legs? why does it matter to you. you don't like to group. your just playing to farm. All the reasons Progression servers are in the game doesn't really apply to you.
    You want to solo and get frequent gear dops. then perhaps progression servers aren't for you. TSS Expansion has all these things.it was designed to address the issues you point out. which btw is Classic EQ.

    You got to keep in mind your primary audience here are parents and grandparents as well.

    sound like your having bigger issues with your life than EQ.

    Here is my version of your post.

    Dear Eq,
    please make it easier for me to cheat and get rid of the people who are better at cheating than me.
    Classic Exploiter
  7. Skvoid Elder

    Everything you complained about is part of the classic EQ experience, which in a vacuum like it was when it released, we could live with as we knew no other way, now it's not which is why I would never play on TLP servers. I started EQ in early 2001 as a wizard and it took me over a year to level to 60, I spent probably hundreds of hours lfg ><, In fact it sucked so much I made a cleric when Wizard was in their 40s and the cleric got to 60 before the wizard ( i did quad kite too, but no ooc regen meant a quad or two then 15 minutes of reading a book)
    Some people obviously enjoy this game play as the TLP servers don't seem to lack numbers, you don't seem to so maybe another game or live servers would be better for you.
  8. slayerofbats Augur

    EQ has been like that for 10 years. P99 is the only decent true EQ experience but that server has big problems too.
  9. Toomba Elder

    The OP seems like a troll that will never stop crying
  10. Repthor Augur

    can i have your stuff
    Whulfgar and Krool like this.
  11. feeltheburn Augur

  12. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Sorry, we usually manage to keep most of the TLP QQ stuff in the right place.

    We'll be working hard to improve our communication methods in the future.
    Aurastrider likes this.
  13. Whulfgar Augur

    Guess you 1 of them people who lay claim or imply your life has more value over others huh..

    I got a life i work 12 hr days 2hr drive home.. I still manage to play at a high rate.. In grps.. Or boxing..
    feeltheburn likes this.