Test Dummies on TLP

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Juzam Djinn, Feb 15, 2018.

  1. Juzam Djinn Elder

    Any chance for test dummies on the TLP servers early? I think it might be a nice way for new/old players alike to be able to practice their skills and learn their class.
  2. ECrack Augur

    I will be doing something like this to prepare for coirnav release. I’ll get you my discord later today when I get off work
  3. Darchias Augur

    I don't think placing the test dummies into TLP will break anything, I agree. That being said, if you really want to use them, you can always /testcopy.
  4. AsYouWish New Member

    +1 these should have been added a long time ago.
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