Filters -> Spells -> Others Chat Window

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ranonman, Jan 25, 2018.

  1. Ranonman Elder

    Is it possible to separate different things from other spells filter?
    For example, I'll like to separate player spell casting from mob spell casting from this filter set.

    That'll be great if it's feasible!
    Warpeace, Zhaunil_AB and Vexana_Lanys like this.
  2. Rorce Augur

    ILU Ramen.
  3. Krinni Journeyman

  4. Cailen Augur

  5. Ranonman Elder

  6. Krinni Journeyman

  7. Scornfire The Nimbus Prince

    Sorry OP, everything in EQ is working as intended, until it's not working as intended
  8. Krinni Journeyman

  9. Krinni Journeyman

  10. IblisTheMage Augur

  11. Jiggs Elder

    If its broken....

    but it works.....

    Its not broken.