Shaman PL?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Bikk, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. Bikk Journeyman

    I'm currently boxing a MNK/SHM both at 103. Once I get to 105 I was thinking of swapping the monk out for a heroic SK (maybe war). Is there a way a shaman can PL the SK to get them a little closer in levels?

    The PLs I typically hear about are tanks mass pulling or rangers headshotting. Was curious if there is a tactic shamans can use.
  2. strongbus Augur

    depending how fast you can run them doing the ha in dead hills form the gnome and orger can give some fast xp for pling.
  3. Bikk Journeyman

    I dont think the shaman can solo them very fast with roots + dot.

    Also would the 85 get boosted exp for completing the HA with a 105? Or will it still be around 8% per complete?
  4. Lheo Augur

    Think again:D
  5. Sarthor New Member

    The current frostfell missions max out at lvl90. I'd get a decent damage shield on, go to these areas, find the lowest level dot that can kill these mobs, and just pull with turgur's and dot, and just keep going. The earlier the expansion of the zone the better, since those mobs are tuned to be fought by less well geared people than later expansions. Check out what the current hot zone is for lvl 85-90.
    It is much easier to do the other way around. You could pull half a zone with a tank, train the mobs back near the shammy and just turn to face the mobs as they come in. The riposte kills them really fast.
    You can also do the dead hills heroic missions with Grindle. Use a tank merc on your shammy and healer merc on the SK. You can still use your SK to split up mobs.
  6. Bikk Journeyman

    Im not sure why I didnt even think of pulling large groups with the SK to the sham,... Sham can probably heal out of group without issues. Would bringing a caster Merc on AE Burn be wise, or just stick with SK dps solo?

    Sorry this will be my first SK or tank even so just trying to get any input available.
  7. Kamor Lorekeeper

    1-75, sure go ahead and DS pl, your new SK/War, using standard methods should only take you a few hours at most. As soon as you can group w/ the SK and get xp in a group... go to EoK and root rot sarnaks, giants, cockatrice, trees, bears and anything else that is rootable. FM has the best mobs for root rotting; with the cockatrice/yeti area in Lcea a close second. Make sure you don't have procs on your gear that have DD's that break root and go to town. Don't use mercs, they suck up xp. When you get bored in FM/Lcea, go to chardok and root root there. At 103 you have all the spells you need; figure out how many of your dots it takes to kill the mobs, and don't cast more than you need. Languid bite is a mana free dot that procs from slow. Rot more than one mob at a time, root>dot>grab another.

    I just moved to a new server w/ my shaman and did this exact thing to get my new sk to 105.
  8. Bikk Journeyman

    Thanks Kamor! I'll do just that!

    Quick question, I've only been to FM once, is there a place you recommend to grind the sarnaks/giants. Preferably one where I won't get many adds with my pulls.
  9. Gialana Augur

    I would test out lower level zones. Although FM and Lceanium will probably be good experience for both your shaman and PLee, you may find that the lower level character is getting the same experience per kill as they would off lower level mobs that would die quicker.
  10. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    At 85, I would start in Shards landing/Sarith/city of broze area. Get your SK his tear of alaris, and then grind that crap out so he gets his tear up as fast as possible. Dont even worry to much about getting lvls, that tear is a pos to lvl up and @85-90 it will go much faster!

    After that, then you can root rot sarnaks above the ore chomper camp, where one of the FM merc tasks is. Will be blue at 105, no named so it is safe. People still kill in FM so getting rot gear is easy. Low hps and dont summon. Just fd the sk there and dot kite/root rot.

    Take a look at all the combo dots the shaman has, I always pulled with malo/slow aa’s then hit the dots then root. Since sometimes the dd proc will break root. Depending on how you box, SK aa snare should land so incase root breaks they walk to you.