Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Yinla, Dec 17, 2017.

  1. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

  2. Wulerdar Gnome Slayer

    100% gnomes fault
  3. Igniz Augur

  4. bellower New Member

    nothing new....
  5. Pend New Member

    Venedar ate the hampsters cheese
    Asmadeus likes this.
  6. Nenamile New Member

    Still down.
  7. Pfaffe Journeyman

    AB back to having "issues"
    Well done daybreak.
    You really lured us into buying RoS, now you are back to slack-mode?!?!?!?

    Don't expect us to be patient for another year until you "notice" that there is a problem with this server. It's turning back into unplayable like 6 weeks ago. But I guess the wannabe fixes were just implemented so you could sell more of your buggy new product (RoS)
  8. douxreve Elder

    I am very patient irl, but i admit i become more and more angry. We europeans buy EQ more expensive than americans. We played 6 months on a laggy server without any excuses or a little reward. Communication was simply non existant. And every time we gather for raid we have lag tells, zonings so long.... Just communicate, why? what happen? The only answer was a free expat on a new server, which isnt acceptable by raiding guilds. The best solution (merge the server on an american one) was just ignored.
    We are customers and DB is an entreprise, 16 years i play this game, and i begin to be tired on the bad communication we have.
  9. eliandra Elder

    like a lot of people on AB thought , server lag again after you sold you r not finished add on (for an undecent price) , no communication as always ... fix or buy another server and stop this .
  10. Igniz Augur

    While I gratefully acknowledge that AB was put back on its feet quite swiftly, dear DBG - please make sure you don't return to the state the server was in just recently. Players will not put up with an artificially server for much longer.