Question on Twincast (spell, not AA)

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Tatanka, Dec 14, 2017.

  1. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Hey everyone, I've implemented some of the suggestions in my thread about healing, one of which was keeping Twincast loaded (ashamed to say, I'd never used it before). My question is twofold.

    1 - ZAM and Lucy show it as being 3 ticks, and I have 85% buff extension from SCR AAs, but when I cast it, it's 20 seconds (not 3 ticks, and not 3 ticks * 1.85). Anyone know what's up with that?

    2 - Looking at ranks 1, 2, and 3 on ZAM, they all look exactly the same. I have rank 2, but can't see where ranks 1 and 3 are any different. Anyone know?

  2. Aanuvane Augur

    Looks like the recast time goes down with each rank.
  3. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Yep, down 40 seconds in rank 2, and 20 more in rank 3. Thanks for pointing that out, I was looking at everything BUT recast time, LOL!

    Any ideas on the other part of my question?
  4. Brudal Augur
    [18882/7228] Twincast Rk. III
    Classes: DRU/85 WIZ/85 MAG/85
    Skill: Abjuration
    Mana: 1
    Target: Self
    Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
    Focusable: No
    Duration Extendable: 1
    "Determines if a spells duration can be increased by focuses. A value of 0 allows the spell to have its duration increased. Any other value does not allow the spells duration to be increased."
    not_focusable 1
  5. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    OK, good to know, thanks. I'm guessing, then, that the reason I saw 20 seconds is because I cast it 2 seconds before the tick, so I got lucky.

    Thanks, Aanuvane and Brudal, for the help :)
  6. Brudal Augur

    Yes, sometimes the phantom tic helps.