So what should be be focused on for the new expansion...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Rizzin, Nov 9, 2017.

  1. Rizzin Elder

    outside of the obvious (like maxing level and AAs)?

    Anyone have insights into not completing the EoK progression? Any access hits for the new zones?
  2. Riou EQResource

    If you're a grouper complete essence of dragon 1, also farm t2 group visibles you need them to make RoS stuff
  3. Randragon Augur

    Preparation H and Ball Gags for the customers.
  4. Reval Augur

    It's a good time if you haven't already to get to know a few people that fill roles in a group that you do not. Healers, Tanks, CC, and DPS will all end up being important if you want things to go smoothly. This stuff will probably end up being hard.

    I know I've been a proponent for making it easier to play the game for people in regard to raids, but it's easier to get 6 people together that can do something than it is to get 50+ people together that can do something.

    A lot of players nowadays are practically antisocial because they need such a limited scope of help from others, and while this is being optimistic, I hope the difficulty will get people to break out of their shells a bit and meet new players.

    Weaker players will probably end up doing better in EoK zones. I know again in terms of raids I've been a proponent of the opposite of this, but if you've been around EoK you probably have the armor etc.. If you haven't, as a group player, you're probably going to need to do EoK group stuff first.
  5. Takeshi Saito New Member

    Don't need EoK progression ? Im afraid there still have Kar'zok curse like korsha-Labo.
  6. Treiln Augur

    So EoK progression for EoD I. I'm sure there's a II in RoS
  7. Millianna Augur

    Good luck with getting a tank. Knights will vanish after the patch on test, and warriors never existed anyways.
  8. Warpeace Augur

    Well maybe some might.

    While the nerf sucks life goes on, don't over pull.
    Nolrog likes this.
  9. Riou EQResource

    2 is raid, but 1 prevents the green karzok mobs from owning you and there are some in RoS
  10. Reval Augur

    Well, the tanks that don't vanish will be very important. I guess that's the balance.

    Sure, it may become harder, but also it will be more important. The game won't be as easy, but as a consequence, people will be relying on you to progress. That's a value you can't get when a merc will suffice. The same I bet will be very true of healers. While the path appears to be changing a bit, I hope you try it out, and I hope that you end up enjoying it.
  11. Bigfan Augur

    Basically this is now 2/3rds of kunark next expansion we will see full island!

    F off daybreak.
  12. Riou EQResource

    Think they said RoS is the final chapter of the Kunark story line

    Likely why sebilis was used for HH instead of an expansion zone too :p
  13. Takeshi Saito New Member

    Hope Daybreak remove green karzok curse in RoS... its new expantion.
  14. Cavall Journeyman

    It's not though. It's a continuation of EoK.
  15. Gialana Augur

    Is this true? That was my interpretation when I skimmed a post in the beta section. However, I thought someone more recently made a post in the normal forums that said the T2 group visibles are only needed to make the crafted gear but that there were normal drops in the expansion to make both lesser and greater versions.

    If it's the case that T2 group visibles are needed, is it the raw drop, or will a piece which has already been transformed to a class-specific item suffice?
  16. Warlain Lorekeeper

    Im pretty upset about the need fofr a full set of t2 in order to get gorup gear in RoS. I returned to the game about a year ago. Just about got caught up, added a second account and just now am getting them all geared through EoK t1. Looks like Ill have to be stuck in EoK farming t2 now just so I can get Ros gear.

    very dumb idea daybreak, not to mention the massive SCR nerf coming. On the fence about buying the expansion since I will need to stay in EoK anyway.

    Why not allow t1 OR t2 to be combined with the RoS visibles to make the new gear?
  17. Treiln Augur

    Pretty much need a full set of T1 to stand a chance in T2 zones. Requiring T2 for group gear in RoS pretty well forces you to more or less go through all of EoK (granted you can farm 1 zone for all your t1 gear, and same as t2 but you get the point)