Returning player which server?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Nolina, Aug 28, 2017.

  1. Nolina New Member

    Hi guys,

    I used to play on 7th hammer back in the days ! :D
    I'm looking for a server to start up on, would appreciate some newbie help
  2. Nolina New Member

    I looked at the progression servers and then at my client downloading 9GB, isnt there an alternative download that is smaller in size? I checked to see if I could change the settings in the launch screen from LIVE to something else, but nope..
  3. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    The EQ exe file is 27.4 mb at initial download. That should only take about 2 hours on slow dsl. It does not matter which server your choosing at this time, that does not affect the download time.

    That being said you should try to recover your old account for the vet rewards - loyalty points and other benefits that will become apparent later on. So once the download is finished try to log in on Tunare using your old name/pw. If you don't remember it then the tech dept are very good about helping folks recover old accounts:

    If you have to go that route then just make a char and start in the tutorial to get a feel for the new stuff since you've been gone. The old account and or this new one can both be played free till you get your bearings and decide if you want to go to a progression server and pay or live server and pay or stay free.
  4. Drusi Augur

    EQ with all zones really is around 10GB. Makes sense after 18 years.

    The good news is that EQ does not really require an installation. This is rare among games.

    You can simply patch on a computer with a fast internet(friends etc) and transfer the EQ directory over to an external drive and bring it to your computer with slower internet.

    You could probably still play EQ on a dialup, the zoning would be slow but EQ should still play :)

    You can copy EQ into any folder, it does not have to be in a specific location! Simply run LaunchPad.exe from that directory.

    Also each monthly patch is only about 10-40MB.