Research Trophy not evolving

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Armour, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. Armour New Member

    it is level 6 and 41% , did about 100 combines and it never moved.
  2. blood & gufts Augur

    and what your skill? + what is the recipe you do ?

    If there are > 100 in difference between your skill and the trivial for the recipe, your trophy will not evolve.

    Example: recipe 400, skill 285, no evolve for trophy.
  3. Armour New Member

    349 with trophy equipped, recipe is trivial 312 Intricate Enchanted Spell Parchment
  4. CrazyLarth Augur

    i might be missing some thing but does not the combine need to be higher then your Trophy value to get upgrades?
  5. Vestra_Cazic New Member

    349 with trophy and its lvl6 which gives a max of +36, so 349 - 36 = 313 raw can no longer increase your skill from this item :) you just need a higher trivial
  6. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Shoot some of mine took way more than 100 combines to finish to level 7.
  7. svann Augur

    I was thinking of working the recipe list while skilling to 300. Glad I didnt now. Having to use higher trivials to evolve trophy because you are already over 300 is a huge handicap. Those higher recipes generally have much more hard to get ingredients. I can hardly believe this is intended. Maybe a dev should take a look.
  8. smash Augur

    People always know that to evolve trophies, you have to use a recipe where the trivial is higher than your present skill, nothing has changed there.

    Also, when you buy some of the new AA, your possible max skill will increase, we know it.

    So that means, if you buy AA your max skill will also increase, so it will become a bit harder to evolve trophy.

    So people can choose, buy the aa, and take the hardship with evolving the trophy, or wait with the buying the aa, and get the easy way.

    I do not see any reason for devs to take a look at it, It is nothing new.
  9. john5 Lorekeeper

    That is not really a problem, as the [400] recipe would cause you to eventually hit 300 skill, which would then allow the trophy to go into catch-up mode (if your trophy evolves slowly and lags behind your skill, once your skill hits the next achievement rank, the trophy receives a massive exp modifier until it ranks up).

    If you can't make enough of a high trivial item to get to 300, you aren't maxing that trophy anyway.