What is the point of tlp's?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Rothj, Jul 4, 2017.

  1. Asiema Elder

    I'm guessing you don't like alts? Maybe level all your tradeskills up? GO FISHING!

    Or...go watch that guy on youtube that does the Everquest Mystery videos and just travel and enjoy the lore of Everquest. A TON of stuff I never would have even imagined or thought of seems to be in this game....makes me think there will never truly be a game as detailed with easter eggs and small pointless things.

    That guy points out a ton, I don't have the time to sight see and do odds and ends...after all this time my main is only 41. So, yeah, I'm a bit casual to be bored already like yourself.

    Maybe go to newbie areas and just send them on a treasure hunt for newbie items and first to bring you said items gets 100 plat. Something crazy since all you have time for in the next 1.5 months is to farm =)

    I am gonna have a blast if I can get to 50 and farm some plat before all the newbs are leveled up too much. I wanted to hand out money and do random rolls, treasure hunts, fun runs but I'm afraid all the low lvls I'm seeing are starting to all be twinked out already...oh well, shouldn't of rolled a Monk for my main hahaha...broke lil guy.

    You should sponsor a naked run through some heavy KoS zone and whoever makes it through area x,y,z gets....a Dark Reaver, Dwarven Work Boots, Runed Cowl...you know, like a you pick what suits you best type deal. Maybe a 1st, 2nd, 3rd dealio.

    The FUN is endless! Have at it!

    Don't let content hold you back, soooooo much of classic EQ was about ALOT more than just leveling, gearing up, dungeons...I had so much fun doing so many things that didn't even involve progression. Enjoy it while you can...have not found a game like it since so...yeah 15 years and still waiting /sigh
    Miss_Jackie and Aenvar like this.
  2. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    One of the more prominent EQ Agnarr Youtube streamers, Cats Meow, sums up my thoughts on the best aspects of new servers (and the TLP craze) in his "farewell" to Agnarr:

    "The biggest highlight for me...the most exciting part of Agnarr...was being in there, on that first day, those first few minutes, the first hours - that was so exciting! That was..that was probably one of the most exciting experiences I've had in Everquest."

    So while he, and presumably other players, were having the best time of their EQ careers, myself and most of the people I talked to were stuck in a queue trying to log on. Talk about missed opportunities! DBG, release more servers more often! There's no reason to make a big "to do" about any of them, don't put all your eggs in one basket and advertise them like they are the best thing since sliced bread (when they are really just a re-hash of a 20 year old video game). Just release them and let us play!
  3. Semah Augur


    And, honestly, for me it's also seeing stuff I never saw before like PoTime but also GoD+ raiding.
  4. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I appreciate your suggestions, for their positive spin. But there is no way in hell I'm doing tradeskills on a temporary server "just for fun". They aren't fun, they've never been fun, and...you get my point :)

    As for alts, TrueBox code ruins that for me. I box two accounts on Agnarr using two comps, and that is already needlessly cumbersome. There is no point, to me, in creating a new level one toon to re-do the exact same content I just did yesterday. If I could box like I do on a normal server, I could at least enjoy being able to challenge myself to learn to use three classic toons at once. Or 6 toons at once. But that challenge has been effectively taken away (I'm not interested in the six laptop configurations I've seen - but more power to those that do!).
    code-zero likes this.
  5. Asiema Elder

    Hey fair enough Name! I fully understand, to each his own!

    Well I agree, coming from your playing level....this would be a bit of a drag, you make guys like me look like a newbie to video games altogether.

    Someone that is used to manning multiple computers, this current game play would offer very little challenge, I agree.

    Would be better for someone like you, that powers hard to end game to prolly have original EQ experience rates and racial penalties and all that. Would take you longer and make everything matter more.

    Naked corpse runs, equipment that rots, no picks for zones. THAT is what you need my friend!

    Well...not need but I just mean you would not be done with Agnarr already and waiting for xpac if it was exactly like original or is that just a PIA that you wouldn't want either?
  6. Xeris Augur

    I don't really get that guy's video at all. He's talking about having fun adventuring with a group of people and so on... I don't really understand why he can't continue that. There's adventuring and fun stuff you can do up through level 50 that doesn't even require a guild. Hell the lvl 49 shadowknight lifetap spell quest is pretty fun. I got a guild group to help me with that and it was neat.

    Then, raiding higher level bosses is an entirely different type of fun adventure.

    He doesn't really explain his disillusionment very well, other than for some reason after the first few days, Agnarr lost its magic for him. Shrug. Still just as fun for me after a month.
  7. Phantom Ghost Augur

    For DBG to make money.
  8. Cidran Augur

    Agnarr is the first TLP server to catch my real interest so far.. Because when the progression is over it will still offer a different experience that allows me to enjoy the game in another way. It also carries on the spirit of Al'Kabor (the mac server) which also was a wonderful place to be while it lasted.
  9. xakanrn Augur

    I can only go by my opinon
    I have been interested in a server which I can see and explore the zones that i missed all those years ago .
    I tried a few TLP servers and was always disappointed within a month
    Ragefire I liked a lot but the lack of raid instances drove me away.I do not have the time to raid race
    Phinny came to solve that but gah the slow slow experience
    Now Agnarr I am still having fun .Faster experience and I can attend raids and see zones and boss fights i normally would never see
    Fact its locked to POP means I can take my time do alts and since its a true box server I do not see an army of 20 mages in every corner like ragefire
    If I can get a year of fun thats great.most games nowadays will not last that long for me
  10. ayoforYayoh Augur

    i feel like you're projecting your own opinion and just adding "people dont want" instead of just saying "i dont want"

    If everyone doesnt want agnarr then why is there more people here than any other server in EQ history? Even if 50% quit today itll still be heavily populated.

    It's almost like you lumped everyone into your own agenda. Did you used to work for the Hillary administration?
    Montag likes this.
  11. Accipiter Old Timer

    That's like me saying I love broccoli because I'm on the keto diet.
  12. Accipiter Old Timer

    Wow, my hat's off to you. I read up on it and it looked like it takes 5k pp and a Vox lair kill (the lguk live side piece isn't so bad). Or did I read that wrong?
  13. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    There's a three year old indie game that retails for 20 bucks and you can catch on sale for 5 that, with mods, has absolutely captivated me for a solid year. Were it not for new TLP I would still be playing now and have had the itch for weeks making me consider taking a break till kunark to play. Because while the game is getting older, the mod support is improving and there are new amazing mods out almost daily. No sub fee there. No krono farmers laming the game, either.

    It's an interesting concept brought up in this thread...What if they just cranked out TLPs? Like one every 3 months. When an expansion unlocks on one, a new one goes live. Start merging on the back end if necessary. Sounds crazy and probably is, but it's undeniable that the start is what the overwhelming numbers of people like most and is when DBG makes their money.

    Might also knock the wind out of the sails of some of these professional krono farmers. Just a personal theory, but one based on a lot of experience with TLP servers, I don't think there are as many as people think. And they are always what ultimately annoy me to the point of unsubbing and quitting, personally. It's not that they are freeloading off the rest of us so much as they make certain camps impossible to do while relevant and that irks me to no end. A glut of servers might make it more tenable for real players. Maybe not. But it's interesting to consider.
  14. Green_Mage Augur

    They would just burn their player base out with too many new servers IMO. EQ is a slow game, even hardcores need some time to digest the content. If they want to get rid of krono farmers -- people that sell krono against ToS, they should just get rid of them. There are million ways to catch these guys because its always very obvious who they are.

    I think somewhere someone convinced DBG that just letting people box farm krono all day will make them more money. Probably the same idiot that said time-locked wouldn't be viable right? There is always some mediocre mind in the way that wants to keep things exactly how they are.

    Most people like EQ because its a game with more interdependence than other MMOs. Things like community and reputation actually exist, and most things are a group effort.

    That, and a small minoirty that like EQ because they can box on it. See, you can't box other games nearly as easy. There is more hardware demand on most other games, and the characters are more complicated to play then some of classic eq's classes. Not to mention they tend to be harder to hack and bot on.

    At some point, DBG can decide to stop favoring that box players (who a small minority) and start favoring people just just want to play one character. Now that! would be a popular server. And no one has any good evidence otherwise. No boxing is extremely popular rule set. Boxers will shriek and howl about how they should be able to crap up that server too -- but the reality is they could always play any other server.
  15. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    All good points, GM. And I agree...No boxing allowed server would be incredibly popular. As someone who situationally boxes, I would absolutely jump at a server like that.

    I'm just not sure how they would really make it happen. You've got the one problem up front of accommodating families and roommates who share an IP. This creates customer service issues. Then actually enforcing it creates new ones. I've seen little to no evidence that they actually enforce the minimal rules they have now, personally.

    It just sounds like a customer service nightmare for them and they seem particularly adverse to providing any customer service at all, of late. For that reason alone, I just don't see it happening. I think we'll see a pvp TLP long before we see a no boxing server, and I don't think we'll see that either.
  16. Rhodz Augur

    To sell kronos to those with more money than sense who in turn hand them over to others who in turn sell them to the grey market where they are then bought to turn over to others. Well some few get used but only to feed box groups.
    Meh subs pick up also so there is that but yeah to make people money. Nothing wrong with it except of course all the grief that comes from mixing IRL money with MMOs.
  17. Rhodz Augur

    It would indeed become a very popular server.
    No need to get into IPs or any of that non-sense.
    All that needs doing is making boxing illegal. The player base will provide all the info on who is being naughty and from there it is easy to enforce. If you really want to ensure an end to boxing just kill the /follow command, watch the faces turn red at mention of that...
    Now why they won't do this is due to one simple word that starts with "k".
  18. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    You have to be joking. Lol

    Agree with the last part of your post, though.
  19. Angrif Lorekeeper

  20. Rhodz Augur

    Not sure what the joke would be, one cannot but with great difficulty hide boxing more than a couple.
    See how much grief boxers get on AG where it is legal to some extent and then imagine the grief were it otherwise.
    IP's are a losing proposition.