Rarest item you've achieved so far?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Dulu, Jun 11, 2017.

  1. Dulu Augur

    I don't tweet. So I'll respond to DBG here.

    Amulet of Necropotence
    Girdle of Faith

    What's yours, forum friends?
  2. Ghubuk Augur

  3. Dulu Augur

    I wouldn't click ZAM, their site has been hacked.
  4. Your_Ad_Here Augur

    Oh? Proof? When did this happen?
  5. Smak Augur

  6. Treesong Elder

    I think Reed Belt from Bilge Farfathom. I also still have a piece of Seaworthy Planking on my old druid, which was part of the Pirate Ship Quest in Western Wastes that would reward the BFG. It was a groundspawn that has been taken out of the game since.

    Also got my Blued Two Handed Hammer.
  7. snailish Augur

    I've done the Blued Two Handed Hammer quest, and have a low level character (ranger I think) running around with Xorbb's Ring because I farmed the staff myself over an very long period of time.

    I got a drop that was supposed to be in the trueborn Mistmoore revamp, that was all taken out but the drop occurred on a later undead event (which I had killed thousands of the mobs and was shocked to see the drop). It wasn't anything great... but rare due to the situation. Item icon was a red/orange rock but it was not an augment. Shoulder slot maybe? Not sure what character it is collecting dust on.

    Thanks to FV loot, I have a GM event drop my brother got years ago. Can't recall the name of it (haven't logged the character holding it in a long time), but it has a goofy charge effect on it. Nodrop on regular servers.

    Fabled Cloth cap was one of my favourites from when fabled was a new thing. I wore that for glory for many levels (and it wasn't an upgrade when I killed Mootu for it). That character also has the cool graphic swordfish bill looking sword from the big skelly event/war in Fay years ago.
  8. NoniProudfoot New Member

  9. crag79 Augur

  10. Risiko Augur

    Rusty short sword
  11. Boosi Lorekeeper

    Mesh gloves (magic)
  12. Johnwick Augur

    Insidious Robe!
  13. Gidono https://everquest.allakhazam.com

    Our site hasn't been hacked. Where did you get this information from?
  14. Qbert Gallifreyan

    Breastplate of the Righteous
  15. PL-Mined New Member

  16. RandomStrategy Augur

    On Agnarr alone: Gnollslayer. That a-hole Elgnub with the new completely random-chance spawning mechanic is insanely long to camp. I spent more time there than camping Ghoulbane.

    I also believe I may be the only one on the server of Agnarr wearing Field Plate gear.
  17. Rhodz Augur

    The Flaming Hemorrhoid
  18. dOOB New Member

    Rune Branded Girdle, we got two on our first vox kill. Have been offered 35 krono for it. WTF would I do with that many krono lol.
    Rhodz likes this.
  19. Rhodz Augur

    nm reading comp fail lol
  20. The one called Loto New Member

    Dessicated Halfling Mask