Warrens on Agnarr Release

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Amnilarch, May 23, 2017.

  1. Amnilarch Journeyman

    Is there ANY chance of this happening? I know they didn't manage it on Phinny. It would just be really nice to have some additional content on Odus out the gate for the newbie Erudites.
  2. Dulu Augur

    Not classic.


    If anything, we should be striving to make the TLP's more classic, not less.
  3. Basak Augur

    If they did open on release I would hope they remove loot so it would be an XP only zone. It would help alleviate the stress of the same damn zones over and over - Tired of Befallen, Blackburrow, and Crushbone all the time. lol
  4. Amnilarch Journeyman

    This isn't a classic server. Its a progression server.
  5. Dulu Augur

    Q: What is a Progression Server?
    An EverQuest Progression Server is a way to experience EverQuest as it grew over time.
  6. SlickRick New Member

    Regardless, Warrens wont and shouldn't be open on release. It will be the same with Jaggedpine Forest, etc.
  7. Basak Augur

    Not using classic as example, why would you want these zones open without loot?
  8. Green_Mage Augur

    That would certainly seal the deal on Erudite being the best starting race for Necromancer. I wish they would just do it. There is nothing overpowered in there. There is a good set of boots that would be hard to get a similar level elsewhere, but it isn't a big deal.

    I guess how I see it, is we have a lot of stuff changed already to make things more QoL than they were. So why not let some of the sparse areas of Norath like Odus, have a few zones that were added in later as a fix. I don't think most of these zones have overpowered items. This isn't Project 1999, I don't see the downside.

    But if they do that, it will be the next progression server not this one. They probably don't want to add any fuel to the "not classic" fire when it comes to Agnarr.