Agnarr needs . . .

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Sagarmatha, May 21, 2017.

  1. Guttin Fuzzyears Journeyman

    Just be fun to group with and you will stand out if you get the job done.

    Others may have differing opinions on this and maybe times have changed. I boxed a cleric through Kunark-PoP content as it was live and would boot my box for a real person without question and still would. A boxed cleric is simply a work around to game mechanics that they painted themselves into a corner with. Imagine if warriors were only required a greater heal or two during defensive but defensive only lasted 30 seconds? You would have seen a bunch of warrior bots instead. Don't worry about cleric boxing just find people you like grouping/raiding with and have fun. \
  2. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    I'll have a cleric box, but I won't be in any raids for 100% sure.
  3. Tachya Elder

    Ok, new plan.

    So, what class do you guys think is best to box with a cleric? Warrior? A different tank? Do I need to add a third class with slow? Or just forget about a tank altogether and go with something else? After all melee are kinda underpowered.
  4. Trevalon Augur

    Best box with a cleric is either Enchanter or SK - Monk/Mage/Necro/Pal would also do well, but not as well as Chanter or SK.

    Honestly, Chanter + Cleric can dang well do ANYTHING if your fast on your heals when charm breaks, but I would say it is definitely a harder box than a SK + Cleric, which is a very easy but slow box.
  5. Kiani Augur

    Melee when you can. I don't mean when you're OOM all the time, but in the groups when you don't need to heal a great deal, or when they have crazy pulls where you can't sit down anyway.

    Keep your melee skills up. Your melee won't be that great to start with, but come Luclin you get yaulp v with mana regen and a hammer with a proc.

    To be honest it's not really that useful even then, but it helps hold back the boredom, keeps you engaged and is a talking point in groups. And it looks better than running around like a headless chicken when you have a mob on you from heal agro.

    Just don't do it to the point of not being able to heal!

    Another thing you can do - when you get heal agro, just peel the mob away and root park it. If your group doesn't have an enchanter, get agro on adds and root park. Less healing for you to do overall, and it gets noticed. Though you do get melees trying to be helpful and take agro off you too, which messes with root parking.

    Keep your defensive skills and gear up so you can take a hit or three.

    Chat to the group, be personable. Make the groups you get into the sorts of groups where everyone adds each other to their friends list at the end! You'll get groups in the back of that, if they see your name in LFG, they'll pick you up first. If you do the job well enough, they'll remember you for other things.
    Tevez likes this.
  6. DariyaVika Augur

    Given that many people who play "fun" classes are lazy and just sit in camp while someone with a pulse does the pulling, I don't know why people would think being a cleric is boring. I mean, the game is really, really easy no matter what class you play.
  7. Rhodz Augur

    Unless you are the one pulling for the chronic lazy butt mashers... funny thing they always seem the most critical err?
  8. DariyaVika Augur

    Yeah, got kind of annoyed on my bard when people who hadn't moved in 30 mins to do anything but stand up and cast one nuke per mob were complaining that I wasn't pulling fast enough in GE.
  9. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    I was thinking about all the alts I want to make on this server and it occurred to me that aside of my main, which will be a Paladin, I hadn't chosen any healers. So I think I need to at least make a Gnome Cleric, because I need a Gnome and I never played a Cleric in classic.

    I have an 85 Heroic Cleric on my home server, had played him to 40 or so before the Heroic upgrade, mostly in the Luclin era. But these days there isn't much point with healer mercs around. Merc's don't go afk and I do, so that is always a complication. But I do want to see how things go from the Cleric perspective, and see if I enjoy pure healing over the long term.
  10. Khaliss Augur

    DGB, throw druids a bone and give them a 90% rez... clerics shouldn't be the only viable healing class!
  11. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Mained clerics on raids are very valuable. But it's a common alt. If you want to raid just make sure your guild has very clear loot rules on mains vs alts.
  12. Senladar New Member

    Agnarr needs...good players.

    There will be 5000 Enchanters and 50 good ones. Same will be true for every class.