Concerns of about Ragefire Voting

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Jummps-Xegony, May 18, 2017.

  1. Jummps-Xegony New Member

    What happens when all the dudes from a certain guild on Lockjaw make alts on Ragefire to downvote PoP?

    This has happened before on past voting TLPS....
  2. bodes Augur

    Lockjaw only has 100-200 active players on it while ragefire has 500-1000 easy. You'll be fine.
  3. Kahlev Al-Calen Augur

    If it works like other votes, your chacter must have been created and been of the appropiate level before the vote period started in order to participate. So no, alts from people on other servers cannot downvote/upvote stuff unless they were actively playing on that server to begin with.
  4. Jummps-Xegony New Member

    The voting rules aren't of concern. The concern is when people made alts weeks/months ago specifically to level them to 40 just to Troll. Same exact scenario happened on Fippy/Vulak and fippy probably had a higher population vs vulak than Rage has vs LJ.

    I would argue that vote to enter PoP is more important than the vote to enter GoD(the vote that was allegedly tampered with on Fippy) as PoP opens up levels/aa's and two mini expansions automatically.
  5. Kahna Augur

    What makes you think LJ cares? I means really, other than the people who play on RF no one really cares what expansion you are in.

    You will be fine, "voter fraud" is fake news. There isn't even a big enough population on LJ to impact RF's vote. Even if all of them cared, which they don't.
  6. Mad_Mikey Elder

    If someone makes an alt in an eighteen year old Hobbit sim, and takes twenty or thirty hours of their life to level it up high enough to vote, just on the off chance that they might negatively affect people on that server, the joke's kind of on them regardless.
    Ishbu likes this.
  7. Anthym New Member

    as someone from that "certain guild on lockjaw"

    We don't care about your servers vote.

    Good luck in PoP!
    sifonin, Jummps-Xegony and Bewts like this.
  8. Jummps-Xegony New Member

  9. Adonhiram Augur

    We need to beware of rumors and hear-say. At Luclin release, as the vote failed on Ragefire oct. 2016, half the server was screaming "it's the Lockjaw dudes !". Few hours later, DBG published an official statement explaining they had a bug in the vote registration system and Luclin went live.
  10. Machentoo Augur

    As long as Daybreak refuses to publish voting numbers or even percentages, for all we know, it really was the Lockjaw dudes, and they just decided to overrule it and sweep it under the rug. We had a similar circumstance on the final failed GoD vote on Fippy, where vote didn't seem to work right, manipulation from Vulak was definitely happening (and vice versa) and after twelve hours of concerned speculation SOE came out and said that the vote bugged out because it ended in a perfect tie. I am not saying 100% for sure they lied, but it is pretty damn unlikely statistically speaking for a vote in which 1000+ people participate to end in a tie.
  11. Anthym New Member

    ok super tinfoil hat mode machentoo

    daybreak actually admitted a fault... do you realize how rare that is???

    if they had ANYONE else to blame they would have lol