Xanadas spell list

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Laldianne, May 14, 2017.

  1. Laldianne New Member

    Anyone else having trouble accessing Xanadas's spell list site for tlp servers?
  2. Zansobar Augur

    Just use Allakazam...they have a filter by era now...
    snailish likes this.
  3. aGenda New Member

    Allakhazam spell search is very wonky though because not all spells are tagged by the appropriate era. Unless I'm doing something wrong, if you do a spell search for PoP spells you barely get any results, but if you remove the 'era' filter then the complete spell list is provided as expected. So filtering by era doesn't seem to work too well for me.
  4. Baldur Augur


    That's what I ended up using most of the time. It doesn't list the vendors, so I would then have to go to allas to see that info, but it does list the expansion and it seems to be almost 100% accurate on the expansion listed for each spell.
  5. Gidono https://everquest.allakhazam.com

    We're still tagging spells per level ranges on Allakhazam. I just started tagging 61 through 65 spells late last night but I should have all of those done later today so all PoP spells should show up.
    Somnium Wintersun and Mashef like this.
  6. Gidono https://everquest.allakhazam.com

    All 61 through 65 spells should be tagged now with their expansions. Let us know if you find any spell in that range missing an expansion. Some spells will be removed soon from the spell listing due to the fact they are either test spells that never made it live or they are AA's or some other reason that they shouldn't be on a spell listing. So those spells you'll see without an expansion tag.
  7. Arrk Augur

  8. Malokhan Elder

  9. Machentoo Augur

  10. Febb Augur

    And it looks like whoever runs the eq-manager.com site needs some serious lessons in web design.
  11. Xanadas Augur

    Crap... looks like a DNS issue of some sort. I'll get it fixed asap.

    Admittedly, I've stopped playing actively for awhile.
    BringBackSWG likes this.
  12. Xanadas Augur

    Fixed the issue. Once the DNS information propagates around the interwebs, access should be restored.
    BringBackSWG likes this.
  13. BringBackSWG New Member

    Thanks Xandas! I know quite a few of us count on that page due to the ease of use and listing vendors.