TDS or The Broken mirror

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kimidri, Apr 25, 2017.

  1. Kimidri New Member

    i have started playing again very casually i did play for a bit last year and bought the broken mirror before that was about 3 years last i played,

    Should i carry on with quests and missions in darkened sea is there anything worth getting or just go to broken mirror

    Its my mage and wifes shammy both 105
  2. Brohg Augur

    There are a couple good tidbits, like augments, from TDS. And in the fullness of time you'll want to do it all for Hero's AAs. But there's nothing super necessary that you need from there to then progress through more current content.
  3. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    If you read into EoK progression there is a task in TDS I believe that has to be done so you can do EoK stuff. Worth looking into if that is how you wish to play.
  4. Orienn TreeHugger

    You should do TBM progression to get your Dicho spells upgraded and there's a nice aug for completing the conquest, same with EoK there's another nice aug from doing progression there as well.

    Edit: TDS also stated above has good augs some are still relevant for casual gameplay
  5. Tvarian Augur

    I had a stint where I was unable to play EQ, and when I came back, TDS was the current expansion. Although, no one would group because I wasn't level 100, and was told I needed to get there first. Being away since Underfoot, I was a bit behind. By the time I got to 100, TBM had come out, and then no one wanted to do any TDS because they had already done that. Recently, over the past 2 months, I went back with a friend and went through TDS. Did all the progression and tasks, and ended up getting the T-Rex illusion for my zerker. I'm not going to say that the content was trivial, but it wasn't the hardest either, being 105 now. I will say though that I thoroughly enjoyed playing the content, and following the story line. I have some other characters that I play occasionally, and I'll bring them all through TDS. The heroic AAs are nice to get, and even the non heroic ones add up over the expansion for finishing tasks.

    I'd say it's worth it, plus it's decent content too.

    TBM though... I'm having a hard time enjoying that content, but will work through it. EoK was fun!
  6. Orbital101 Augur

    I would focus on TBM considering how easy it is to gear up and get in anything you can from EoK when available then go back to TDS unless your gear doesnt allow you to do TBM then start from bottom to top. As a mage/shaman it shouldn be that much gear depended though. As long as you have the right AAs and spell focus.
  7. Kimidri New Member

    Thanks for all the replies i might as well carry on with the TDS seeing i dont own eok TDS and TBM will give me something to do till next expansion i guess,

    I didnt know about heroic AA which is odd because im sure i raided COTF where they seem start ill have a look when i log in later
  8. Kimidri New Member

    i was wrong i haven't done anything in cotf so maybe ill go back and start there
  9. Gundolin Augur

  10. Gundolin Augur

    One thing I hadn't thought of is TDS has more locked zones than TBM. After the initial quest to unlock your mirror I don't remember any progression being required for zoning into TBM.

    Last night my wife and I went back to TDS Caverns of Endless Song to finish up a couple of Merc quests we had skipped. About 10 minutes in someone asked to join us in guild. We said sure, only to find that they couldn't zone in because they haven't finished their progression.

    If its only you and your wife ever, then you'll be fine with either choice. But we like grouping with other people too, so its something to keep in mind.

    I really liked the CoTF expansion, thought it was better than TBM and TDS. Everything is unlocked to get into, but you'll have to follow progression to request a lot of the quests. We just finished up AH a few nights ago and really think you'll like it. Check the Partisan quests before doing the Merc HA's since ones like "For the Sake of the Forsaken" in DH require you zoning into several different HA's to complete. Might as well always kill two birds with one stone. Or ones like Us and Them and Smoke and Ash will easily be completed when you do "The Keepers Ring" in Argin-Hiz.
  11. Kimidri New Member

    Thanks for that im gonna go back and start at CoTF