Need some feedback on some ranger thingies about headshot.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Chitum, Apr 14, 2017.

  1. Chitum Journeyman

    Hello, I tried asking in game but I got more jokes(yes yes rangers die a lot) and conflicting information than answers so I am coming here.

    I play a ranger and I love it, I also want to point out that this isn't a complaint more of I am very curious and want to know why.
    Now up until TDS head-shot actually killed a mob instantly. So now it isn't takes several procs sometimes up to 6 or 7 to take down a dark blue mob in EoK's FM. I realize that these mobs have more HP but is there any thought being given to increasing the damage done by HS so it is what it was?
    I am also curious as with all the updates why Ranger's Head shot only works on humanoid versus Rogues and Bezerkers big hits landing on every type of mob. The reason I ask is because same types of mobs visually aren't always humanoid. For example most Snake dudes in TDS's in KAtta-D are headshoottable, but some like the SK snakes are considered undead and can't be headshot.
    Lastly what the heck is up with "Heavy Arrow"? I have never seen that spell/AA go off, and I have it tied to both a Gina, and in game audio trigger. And I mean never.

    Again please understand no complaints I still play, and will still play. Just trying to wrap my head around some of the game's nuances. Thanks in advance.
  2. Weebaaa Augur

    I know the answer to one of these.

    Rogues still have the same restrictions that rangers do, only humanoids. Only berzerkers can decapitate regardless of mob type.

    I have a guess at the "Why no damage update", and that is being they wouldn't want certain classes to be able to "one shot" current content mobs so easily.

    That's all I have for ya
  3. segap Augur

    Rogue Assassinate has always been humanoid only. Same restriction as headshot.
  4. Chitum Journeyman

    Didn't know about the rogues thanks for clearing that up.
  5. Tereil Elder

    It is _highly_ unlikely that HS will ever be really visited again, as they've tried to kill if off a time or two before. I could be proven wrong. It would be nice. Regardless, as you say, rangers are fun and in a pretty good spot, minus the Scarlet Cheetah Nerf that just happened. Probably not breaking type nerf in any way, but will require some relearning and moving things around a bit.

    I think heavy arrow is a pretty rare, very random proc.
  6. Belexes ForumQuester

    I like the way Headshot is now. Doesn't take me 6-7 procs to kill off a FM goblin though. Check your HS damage amounts.

    When they changed it to the way it is now, it wasn't intended to kill anything dark blue and humanoid in one shot, though it often happens on older expansion dark blues and lower.

    Not sure why people joke about rangers dying all the time. If you know what you are doing, you won't. You have so many tools for crowd control.

    Go use a practice dummy and watch to see how much Heavy Arrow happens. I see it happen and it isn't as rare as people make it to be.
  7. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    It procs more the higher your Heroic Dex score. Based on that it never needs to do more damage than it does now unless blue con mob HPs omg what the heck multiply upward. Even in group gear with all the Dex augs you can place in type 5's you can stack Dex very well to make HS very "fun"tional. :)

    You really do not need to be a raider at all to proc HS well. The current "nerfed" form of HS is pretty popular now - at the time of the nerf people lost their mind at a second redesign in 4 or 5 years.
  8. Vindicate Elder

    The mobs you are head shotting now are much closer to your level than the ones in the past. Take those same mobs in an expansion or two and you will probably be pretty close to one shotting them again. I don't think old headshot was even hitting a dark blue mob. Back in CotF I don't think anyone was head shotting a current content mob? Same with RoF or VoA?

    You can be in the latest expansion headshotting current content exp mobs, they're not gonna let you one shot them just yet :p The dps for an average geared ranger is pretty impressive on the right mobs in current content with headshot.

    All of these things = noooope not gonna let you 1 shot current content mobs. There isn't a precedent for one shotting current content mobs either, its never been a thing.
  9. Chitum Journeyman

    Thanks for the comments and helping put it into perspective. I do appreciate it.
  10. roth Augur

    Actually, its your base dex, not hdex.

    Because heroics come point-for-point with base stats, increasing hdex boosts base dex. However, buffs that boost base dex (other than Tributes there are no buffs that boost heroics) will also boost your HS firing rate. So, its the base dex, not hdex, that does it.
  11. Chaosflux Augur

    If be curious did your verify that via testing when you bought planar power, or are you just saying it because it sounds logical (which it does)
  12. Riou EQResource

    Elidroth posted back when they changed it that it was both dex and hdex, unless it was changed again
  13. roth Augur

    Planar Power is such a small increase per rank. Simply compare with and without shaman dex buffs.
  14. Chaosflux Augur

    Good point, I was merely asking because like Riou mentioned they stated Hdex did affect the rates on these abilities, so I was wondering if that aspect was broken.
  15. roth Augur

    So far as I know, heroics themselves only have a few effects each. HDex has its impact on ranged damage (1/10 HDex, rounded down), endurance regen (laughably small), its recently added mod2's, and its defensive checks (parry and riposte). Other things are from the base dex, such as proc rate and crit rate, the ranged attack score increase, as well as headshot (and presumably assassinate and decapitate) and whatever else base Dex affects.
  16. lancelove Augur

    Max aa with max dex and best bow = just fine headshots on the appropriate mobs. keep it simple.