180% xp tomorrow?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tryhard, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. Tryhard New Member

    I've been hearing for the last few weeks that we are getting 180% xp for the anniversary, but I can't find an official confirmation anywhere. Is it confirmed, or just a guess based on previous years?
  2. Semah Augur

    They've confirmed an XP bonus starting Thursday until the end of March.

    However, the announcement didn't give an amount. Probably because of how much we screech about however they phrase the precise number. ;-)
  3. Zinth Augur

    yeah and we didn't get 18 days either :-/ and the no % info prolly something bleeh like 50% so they can sell more potions
  4. Semah Augur

    I don't see why an 80% bonus would not have just as good potion sales. I know I'll be running a potion for all grinding during the bonus period no matter what the amount is. :)
  5. Baldur Augur

    Yeah, WTH. It better be 180% like it was 170% last year and 160% the year before. Why would they all of a sudden change that and make it lower?

    Also why is it not lasting the full 18 days? Last years 17th anniversary was 170% exp for 17 days, this years should be 180% for 18 days.
  6. Catashe Augur

    If the wiki the devs linked in their front page post is wrong... XP bonus only going to be 150% aka 50%
  7. taliefer Augur

    i dont know why they stopped the trend of 16 days of 160 exp, 17 days of 170 like the past couple years. i was looking forward to the 18 days of 180.

    dont get me wrong,any bonus exp is good, but i'll admit i was a little disappointed its only 150 this year, and for a couple days shorter than anticipated.
  8. Trizek Augur

    Where exactly are people getting this magical 180% exp bonus from?

    its going to be 150%. Heres a source I use to see upcoming events and what not. http://events.eqresource.com/

    For the lazy heres a quote

  9. Baldur Augur

    Because last year for the 17th anniversary it was 17 days of 170%.

    The year before that it was 16 days of 160%.

    The year before that it was 15 days of 150%.

    The year before that it was 14 days of 140%.

    I can keep going but maybe you get why people thought it would be 18 days of 180%?
  10. Numi Journeyman

    maybe they were worried that when it got to 365 days of 3650% exp bonus people would not buy potions anymore :rolleyes:
  11. Arikei New Member

    DBG yet again disappointing the masses...

    Clearly they are threatened by such long experience bonus durations, as it will i am sure dig into their sales.
  12. Baldur Augur

    Welp, DBG decided to go with 150% this year only until the end of the month. I'm guessing that's what it will be every year now, 150% to the end of the month, but who knows, they didn't say anything about it.

    Would have been nice if they would explain why the change all of a sudden this year, but I've come to expect no explanations from them.
  13. Darallan Elder

    Whatever percent it is, on raids getting 4-5% aa per boss kill in elemental planes.
  14. Potsos76 Augur

    Right? LOL. Find a good camp/group, pop a 25% pot and finally get some reasonable exp on this server! ;)