List of broken HA's?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Thundun, Mar 2, 2017.

  1. Thundun New Member

    So we've found a couple of HA's that are broken for our level (84).

    One was the Hills Are Alive - the end boss was red con and instakilled everyone before we could get him below 95%. His damage was really absurd.

    The other is Assault the Main Hive. The "save the butterfly" part is totally whacked out. They would kill the butterfly in less than 10 seconds, which isn't enough time to do anything.

    Talking to people in General, we weren't the only ones that had found these were borked. After losing 3+ hours between the two of them and getting nothing, I'd really like to have an idea of which ones I can't do, so I just skip them.

    Is there a list out there somewhere?
  2. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I think you are on the cutting edge! Document your findings as you go through and you'll be the first. Despite being advertised as scaling for your level, I doubt they were ever sufficiently tested or adjusted.

    In my experience, HA's are known for scaling poorly, especially the named mob spawns (a lot of the named may only ever spawn at their intended lvl 100/105) and any special spawns (like your butterfly). I would suggest looking at the very simple "kill all the trash" HAs (like the DH HAs) and plan to not kill any named until you get closer to 100-105.
    Thundun likes this.
  3. Thundun New Member

    Thanks NameAlreadyInUse! It's at least nice to know I'm not the only one who has run into this problem. I'll try to take notes and send to the developers, in case they have time to address them.

    By the way, I have another question. The internet suggests there's a bonus for completing 4 HA's. However, I've been getting the bonus xp from Clayton Teek's 2 bonus HA quests. Is the 4 HA bonus still active somewhere?
  4. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I think the 4 HA was replaced with Clayton's 2 HA (if I'm understanding correctly) :)
    Thundun likes this.
  5. Thundun New Member

    Lark #1: The Toll Road

    Highest level in our group was 85 (it was 4 85's and 2 75's).

    Shirik's Constructed Guardian was red con, hit for over 7k (which is 2.5 times as much as any other mob in the instance), but more importantly had a stupid amount of hit points. We could have killed it if it had a reasonable hp, but we worked on it for several minutes, didn't get it below 70% and everyone was OOM. Just didn't make any sense.