Tutorial phiniegl

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by MaskedGoat, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. MaskedGoat New Member

    I just came back after 13 or 14 years. I am playing multiple characters trying to figure out what I want to play... so I get in the tutorial and there are 30 something people in the zone, Which i don't mind. I see it as a chance to make some game friends, Though there are 30 something people just soloing by themselves making it hard to kill anything.. I wish it was like the old days where you made your friends in game at this time and you basically had a friend to group with for life...I have played multiple characters and only got into a group a few times to kill a boss and then they all disband and disappear...

    Also what is annoying is by that off chance a group did get together or a guy who made it to 10 sitting there perma camping lord gnikan for hours and hours, not allowing others to finish there quests..

    I know this is low end stuff but it is what I am going through at the moment..
  2. Lanikin New Member

    Think everyone is just trying to get the gloomingdeep armor (Which is really good for lowbies in this era) then get to their guilds... Sorry this is your introduction to the server, hopefully things get better on the outside.
  3. Soltara Augur

    There used to be pick zones of the tutorial spawned by arias or something. This may not function anymore. Anyway, sorry for your difficult intro to the server.