Headshot OP!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by NeoSpring, Feb 5, 2017.

  1. NeoSpring Journeyman

    title says enough ... rangers head shotting too high level of monsters for this era / level !
  2. Vanellope New Member

  3. mackal Augur

  4. Machen New Member

    Rank 1 of headshot did not hit level 59 mobs as originally released. The level minimums were significantly increased in the revamp a year or two back.
  5. Gidono https://everquest.allakhazam.com

  6. Utdaan Augur

    You comment is rather misleading. The first level of Headshot came out during PoP, and the level it lands was adjusted in 2014. However, there is only one rank of headshot available to us in PoP at level 60 and it will only trigger on level 59 or under mobs that are flagged as humanoid in the game. That's it. You hit level 65, and you can still only hit level 59 or under humanoid mobs, which are by then light blue. It's not until Depths of Darkhollow when the next rank could be bought at level 61, and only fire on level 60 and under humanoid mobs with the max player level being 70. Also, it will randomly fire and not on every single mob. You'll sometimes go several mobs before you see it proc. IIRC, it averages out to maybe a proc every 2 minutes and most of the time the mob is already under 50% and it would have been dead soon anyway. It's working as Daybreak (SOE rather) intended for rangers.
  7. Glowerss Augur

    That 2 PPM figure is not correct. People with Dagarn bows are parsing at 10-14 PPM on average over several hours.

    It's pretty damn strong.
  8. Bewts Augur

    PathToEternity likes this.
  9. Ghubuk Augur

    Wasn't the 2 PPM for melee weapons? Not sure range weapons fell under the same numbers.
  10. Bewts Augur

    I also don't see HS as OP considering there's like one place in all of PoP where the AA is worth having.

    My 6-armed ranger will be very pleased to one-shot hobgoblins for a while, assuming the camp is even open.

    There are better XP returns available than slaying those goblins anyways, headshot or no headshot.
  11. Reminiscing Journeyman

    I don't see how the rogue poisons are OP but 1 shot'n PoN isn't. Guess I will PL 3 rangers and sell AA's for a while.
  12. Febb Augur

    I'm guessing the 2014 change only applied to certain ranks. It looks like http://everquest.allakhazam.com/wiki/eq:headshot needs to be updated to reflect those changes.
  13. Numiko Augur

    I was surprised when i Critted a headshot for 78,888 points of Damage the other day. Though maybe they could always have done that, this is my first time playing a higher level ranger.