The Old School

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Storm, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. Storm New Member

    I am returning after ~ 7 year hiatus - or perhaps it would be more accurate to see if I can return. When I left I had a level 60 dwarf cleric named Dustoff; but I don't remember what server he was on; I am pretty sure it was folded into another one when they consolidated the game.

    I already submitted a ticket, but does anyone have any idea of about how long it will take to get an answer - and what are the chances my character got deleted?

  2. Tereil Elder

    If level 60, not likely. I still had my characters after a 10ish year hiatus. Also, response time varies as EQ staff is bare-bones. Usually a few days.
  3. moogs Augur

    Do you remember your username and password?
  4. Storm New Member

    Yup, but I have no idea what server I may be on.
    I can log into the game, but all I can find is a list of servers I I don't remember.
  5. Tereil Elder

    Best bet may be to go server by server and see if they are there. Would wind up being faster.
    IblisTheMage and moogs like this.
  6. Storm New Member

    I am also having cursor problems. When I get to the server select screen the cursor/mouse disappears. I I hit "Enter" I get a default server (Luclin) but I can't really even build a character since I can't see the cursor. Any ideas on what kind of a setting I need to tweak in order to fix that?
  7. Tereil Elder

    Are you in windowed mode or full screen? May try the other way (alt-enter) to see if it works. Windows 10, if that is what you have, seems funky sometimes.
  8. Hince New Member

    My thought after playing from about 3 months after the servers went public till about the time WOW came out(please no ripping I play a lot of other games) and started over when they went FTP. I just started over.

    So pic a server and start new(the rats don't kill you in Freeport as much as they did in the old days)
  9. Storm New Member

    I would really like my old cleric. Yeah, I know - just pixels on a screen - but he was much more than that, he was time from my life. I guess you could say I was/am sentimentally invested in him. Plus he had so much neat gear; I had Quillmane's cloak that let me fly, as well as my "click stick" for rezzing. That cloak was a lucky random drop, my chances of ever seeing that again are slim!
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  10. Storm New Member

    Thanks! That fixed it!
    moogs and Tereil like this.
  11. moogs Augur

    Your cleric should still be there somewhere. Follow Tereil's advice of just logging into each server to check the character list. Won't take more than 15 minutes.
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  12. DinkumThinku99 Elder

    As the others said, the simplest thing to do is to just go through all the servers on the list to see what characters you have where. Don't be surprised if your character now has an 'X' after his name: there were a lot of server mergers over the years, and duplicate names were resolved by adding 'X's to ;names.

    Also, if you're coming back on a free account (Silver or Bronze) your character's Origin city will be changed to Crescent Reach the first time they enter the game world. Only Gold (All-Access) accounts get to have other starting cities.
  13. tayn New Member

    but you must be using your old account and password.
  14. Storm New Member

    Yup, I did all of that. That got me online, but I downloaded the free account software structure - I have long since lost the original discs. In any event, the game recognized me, but when I logged in there were no characters.
  15. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    You were possibly on Antonius Bayle (EU). There is a cleric dwarf of that name and level still listed in magelo. No longer guilded. You may need to file a help ticket to get him restored.
  16. svann Augur

    old school = we used to use an abacus to do our parses.
    IblisTheMage and moogs like this.
  17. Derd Augur

    Hmm, yeap lvl 65 cleric named dustoff is listed on magelo. Does have clicky rez stick. Last updated 2003, or joined I don't know what the date on the bottom means.

    Are you sure your using the correct info, any account name and password you choose, barring it being someone else's already, will get you in the game, I think.. now I'm questioning myself if there is any "hey your new" text... bah it's late someone else take over my brain just called time out.