Daybreak please fix the Guildhall issue.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Nickalispicalis, Dec 16, 2016.

  1. Nickalispicalis Journeyman

    For several weeks now received the message " This zone not ready to receive visitors etc" Very frustrating. With limited time to play, schedule surrounds the stones for travel, as porter not part of our main group. Not to mention all the other conveniences one loses out at not being able to access.

    Servers has come down for maintenance many times now without this problem being fixed. My question is, is DB aware of it ? Do they plan on fixing it anytime soon ?

    An answer would be appreciated.
  2. Gialana Augur

    I think this will be trickier for them to figure out because it does not affect every guild, nor does it seem to affect every member of the guild, and it also seems to come and go for some people. I sympathize that it's affecting you. Until the real issue can be resolved, all I can offer you is the following. Try both doors in the guild lobby, try first zoning into the neighborhood to access your neighbhood guild hall from the plot.
  3. Mileaux New Member

    Yet another ignored thread on an important topic. Wake up and fix this.
  4. Malbro Augur

    Is it affecting those guilds that were deleted a couple of months ago or is that a factor?
  5. Mileaux New Member

    All guilds are being affected to varying degree.