Lost your damn minds....

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by phenotype, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. phenotype New Member

    just bought 5000 DB and spent about 1000 on a ldon pack...
    on that ldon pack I got a 50 point damage shield and a tittle...

    I cannot properly express how upset I am at this garbage

    I will not be giving you guys any more of my money for this type of garbage...
    Nandary Griefs likes this.
  2. Riou EQResource

    It's random loot cards from 1 of like 3 packs listed, it can be anything that came from those. What were you expecting to get?
  3. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    On all access you get $5 DBC each month and when you claim it you are offered a couple potions and LON card pack with 2 prizes. I get the packs there since its not my own money so to speak. After getting burned for years on the regular LON prizes I don't bother spending real money on them. If all those stupid weapon ornaments I get were real I could decorate the White House Christmas Tree.

    Some of those titles sell well in the bazaar.
  4. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    You can see what the rewards will be on Zam, or the LDON site if its still up. Do you not get what the word random means?
  5. Whosurdaddy Journeyman

    Zek is experiencing an unprecedented level of teamwork and cooperation since the new SOS2 has come out. I think this is truly healthy for the server. More scouting, more groups coming together for protection and plenty of pvp. Getting rid of the emcue users and other hackers would make Zek a great place to come and play again.
  6. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    LDON = Lost Dungeons of Norrath, still in the game, still playable and great experience for low levels. Its a dungeon crawl. Some say the grandfather of current HA's.

    LON = Legacies of Norrath a discontinued card game that was a stand alone CARD game that was also incorporated into the EQ client. It and all servers related to it have been removed. You can still find lists at other sites. Card packs are still available thru the DB store.
    Nandary Griefs likes this.
  7. phenotype New Member

    honestly.. for 10 dollars i spent ( paid 45 for 5000 DB)
    i was hoping for a weapon ornament or maybe a crappy familiar i had exchanged the 500 DB for the legend of the oathbreaker pack the day before and got a really cool sword ornament and a lady vox familiar
    that's my expectation granted I'm just throwing money at pixels here next time i feel like throwing some money around ill just go to the casino i guess
  8. Aurastrider Augur

    Just be grateful the old LON booster boxes are not available any more or you would really crap your pants spending 100 bucks for maybe 6 loot cards with 4-5 of them being mostly garbage. If I started a thread every time I opened one of those and got trash I would have dozens of threads. The new prize system is much cheaper in terms of loot cards per dollar spent.
  9. Siddar Augur

    LoN loot is interesting in it prices versus value. It doesn't seem that its SC price is worth the costs people are willing to pay in platinum for the items. You have up tier item that are worth SC costs sometimes even more being counter by the vast majority of items that are worth very little. It shows why LoN failed.
  10. Aurastrider Augur

    LON the card game failed but the loot part was far from a failure. The reality is doing prize packs is way more cost effective. No extra game engine, no artists to pay, no developers for the actual game and it pretty much eliminates 3rd party sites since prizes are basically stuck on the server unless someone is willing to pay for a server transfer just to obtain that rare. The one annoying thing is not having all sets unlocked for purchase. If someone is trying to complete a set the might have to wait a long while compared to before.
  11. Siddar Augur

    LoN failed because it didn't generate enough sale in order to justify its cost. LoN loot prze fail because they don't generate economic value for person who is buying them. To many pack return items that sale for bellow platinum equivalent of SC required to purchase them.

    Partly this is driven by the increase in supply caused by adding them as a prze. You have a interesting push pull effect cause by the new method of aquiring them.
  12. Aurastrider Augur

    LON prize packs are anything but a failure. It's pure profits for DB which is why I am suprised they have not created new packs. Yes the plat returns don't match dollars spent but they never really did with LON. The people that spent lots of money did so to obtain loot not wealth. Only when they got doubles, triples and so on would most of the hardcore buyers even consider selling. If your goal in EQ is to make money buying prize packs with real money is a terrible route. Now buying in bazaar and general and reselling has its opportunities.
  13. Siddar Augur

    Do they generate money for Daybreak? Or is the majority of SC spent only the free SC given every month?
  14. Zamiam Augur

    if those darn cat in a bag crap can make DB money im sure the prize LoN packs do as well.. thats 1 thing i wont waste my money or Free SC on is those prize packs . I use my free bucks on xp pots (which are heirloom) dont know why they cant/wont make all xp potions that way but hey no worries or i use to get those aug anatuners or whatever they called..
  15. Aurastrider Augur

    Obviously you did not follow prizes in the bazaar shortly after their release. The market almost instantly got flooded with nimbus and ornaments and the other undesirable items from the packs and the spam in general with WTS xxxx prize was pretty frequent or at least on my server. If someone is serious about trying to obtain an item they are not going to buy the 1 shot prize they are going to buy the one with 7 charges. The price per unit is cheaper which is what collectors look for. Besides the fact that it probably cost developers next to nothing to actually make said prize packs so any money made on them is money made.