PvP needs to change ~

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Zalkor, Oct 31, 2016.

  1. Zalkor New Member

    I know this doesn't concern a lot of you but i have talked to many people about this. Generally, everybody I talk to think that being able to round people is just stupid. I think the game needs to go back to actually having to try in PVP instead of zoning in and popping full burns and rounding people (mainly wars, rogues, and sk's.) I personally liked it when you had to try and actually know how to play your class. Everybody nowadays has either sk's war's or rogues. PvP needs to be fixed.
  2. Minato Augur

    The last duel i lost was with a chanter and it was not a one round duel for either.. neither was anyone else i dueled i even beat said enchanter after he got me. Now i cant say how it is on zek and yes it needs some balances but you can still drag a duel out and use smarts while doing so
  3. Zalkor New Member

    Duels are different. Trust me, in mass pvp things need to be changed, and in saying what you said fight ask, war, or even a rog.
  4. Minato Augur

    i have dueled many sk's a couple warriors and a couple rogues but i cant say with mass pvp thats always a bit more tricky since you could easily be jumped
  5. Haste Lorekeeper

    Pics or it didn't happen!
  6. Minato Augur

    bahaha you only show up when someones talking about you!
  7. Caster Lorekeeper

    Duel =/= PvP. There are a good number of skills and effects that do not fire on blue servers that do work on Zek. Also, your duels last a long time because you have no idea what you're doing and can't PvP. Most of the players left on Zek know how to maximize their insta-kills in PvP.

    Also, DBG doesn't care about Zek.
  8. Haste Lorekeeper

    Many of us were deep rooted from a time that Pvp actually mattered in EQ, so I'd argue that we know exactly what we're doing...

    Most of the players left on Zek don't leave because it's either Zek or quit, or they ignorantly believe something will change.
  9. Minato Augur

    Since you feel this way id be more then happy to log on beta to duel you since i doubt you want to move to my server for a simple duel
  10. snailish Augur

    So what is the least amount of developer work to do, that makes more classes PVP viable and makes Zek pvp less "bursty insta dead"?

    ...and I guess what price are you willing to play in respects to other gameplay to have PVP be the centre of Zek gameplay?

    Is it something as simple as a level scaling HP buff (or new PVP hp bar) that gives you 10x the normal amount of HP?

    Now... if PVP damage could be separated from NPC damage (and charmed pets would probably mess this up even still) this could work. IF it can't be separated (using the minimal dev intervention theory) then is it a good enough fix, despite the fact it would trivialize a pile of content? The separation would be you are hit by NPC it works with your "normal" HP, hit by players it takes down your PVP hp bar.
  11. Owch Crotchety SOB

    Good one.
  12. Critts Augur

    PvP has been busted for a decade. I can't believe people are still on that server. Is there like one guild made up of people that hawk players in their guild with Alts?
  13. Zalkor New Member

    As i said "most of this doesn't concern a lot of you" meaning all you bluebies.
  14. karmalious Lorekeeper

    old old zek player. My main's title still says that I am from Rallos Zek, before they combined. However, once the servers combined into Zek, ( like 10 years ago? haha ) I moved to a bluebie server and never went back.

    I never really enjoyed PVP side by side PVE only because I always seemed to be there person trying to level up and getting jumped. And back in the day; you lost a piece of gear. It wasn't until LdoN when augs would make your gear no-drop. The paranoia was real! constantly doing /w zone checks. PVP = ganks, DUEL = fair fights. Eventually I went to the dark side and bought plat so I could twink out my sub-20 pvp characters but I think everyone did that.

    It was the only time in my life in video gaming where we had an actual virtual faction war. At that time in the game you were either ANTI-PK.... or PK...... (player killer). And guilds were created around this idea. And only very few people let their alts be known to others and often times to join a guild you had to prove you did not have any PK characters on your entire account. In fact ANTI-PK guilds outnumbered the PK guilds creating a really awesome community environment.

    In the end, PVP is only fun if your the one doing the bullying. After the server mergers and ANTI-PK idea disappeared... all that remained was a wasteland. "And for that, we Thank you" -Tosh.O
  15. Roxxanna Augur

    But....but......I find it incredibly entertaining when 99/100 of my casts are resisted.
  16. Zalkor New Member

    That's because you don't know what you are doing.
  17. Haste Lorekeeper

    Mass PvP isn't a thing anymore...Is there even a raid guild on Zek since PDM split? Like I said in my reply to the other user, I'll argue that we know exactly what to do in PvP.

    Look...Nothing will change with Zek. As much as I enjoyed all the mass PvP (actual mass pvp, not that banner ganking you guys call pvp now) during my days with Tides of Wrath, the development team hasn't cared for PvP in seriously like 12 years now. You guys ask questions, they are ignored for months sans a "we're looking into this we promise" post from CM.

    That PvP aspect you're saying needs to change; won't. The drastic balances needed to get PvP to a "meh" state is 100% more then the DBG team is willing to put in. Many of the people that are now "bluebies" have left for this exact reason. Those that are still there are delusional that something will magically change...in fact, the only change I see happening is DBG offering the remaining players a free move to another server and closing zek down as it's all but down to a trickle.
  18. Caster Lorekeeper

    That is my point. EQ PvP now is absolutely nothing like it was 2, 4, 6+ years ago. It is literally mashing buttons for your class's insta-kill ability. There isn't skill, there isn't strategy - hit your burn hotkeys then go sit in GH until they refresh.

    People that make comments about dueling on blue servers, and long drawn out fights conceptually do not understand what PvP is now in EQ. Class stuns don't land in arenas, neither do a variety of other specific AAs and discs. There is no element of surprise in arenas and no mass PvP (yes, 1+ group PvP is mass PvP) - success in an arena in no way translates to the current Zek climate.
  19. Caster Lorekeeper

    This isn't a feeling, it is a fact. Reference my post above. What you use (AAs, discs, etc) in arena duels is not what is used on Zek. You're the age-old story of the blubie who is OK in arena duels, then gets completely stomped on Zek because you fundamentally do not understand the mechanisms of Zek PvP. I'm not saying this is your fault, I'm saying it is your reality.
  20. Haste Lorekeeper

    Insta-kill has been in PvP for over a decade in some form, let's not kid ourselves. I used to park my Wizard on top of the wall in the OT and mana burn people from 40% to dead. I never played an SK but double HTs have been there for years. Yes, Rogues, Zerks, and Warriors half rounding people wasn't around then, but there has always been classes that were vastly OP compared to others.

    This doesn't change the state that Zek is in, nor the chances that the development team will put months and months of work on it. They've proven year after year that they really don't intend to do anything to help that community, regardless if you feel us old school pvpers are "less-worthy" or not.