Grimling Forest

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by SqueeshSqueesh, Oct 13, 2016.

  1. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

    Do grimlings ever win back the zone after the cats have taken over? Been checking 5 days in a row and the cats are always controlling the zone. Would be nice to be able to start my epic. Thanks.
  2. Tibalt Lorekeeper

    No one cares about beastlords. Play a shaman or a monk, stop being greedy.
  3. GrugSA Augur

    Every server reset. There is probably a way to change it back Luclin zones with factions at war like DSP caves, but i'm not aware of one personally.
  4. -wycca Augur

  5. Imak Augur

    Once the vah shir have control of the zone, they retain control for 7 real days. Downtime, patch, crash, none will reset the zone. Its a persistent timer. After 7 days the assorted thugs, thieves, and bandits will vanish, and grimlings will repopulate all the camps. At this point, Agent Tesch and the other vah shir quest givers disappear.
  6. Neptune138 New Member

    I am pretty sure the medal can drop off a coin courier in Grimling Forest also. While not at a high percent, it beats waiting the 7 day reset.
  7. Tzerinth4 New Member

    I camped that coin courier yesterday 14 hours straight while watching movies on the laptop, 27 kills and no medal :( 7 Days is a bit excessive. If it was even working right.
  8. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

    Damn dude, so edgy.
  9. Rumlebrag Elder

    so 200+ "a_coin_yadayada" can we make sure this dude ACTUALLY drops it DURING Luclin and the drop isn't removed because this is an TLP and it won't drop until TBM or something other idiotic thing?

    it "used" to drop like 1 in 10ish... I hear of other beastlords reporting the same issue... the thing is NOT dropping

    AND the wars are BROKEN aka NOT resetting

    FIX IT !!!
  10. Rumlebrag Elder

    ya mobs/events still spawned properly, not so much for the grimling wars though
  11. Prathun Developer

    We have good reason to believe that there are bugs in the scripts that govern the Grimling Forest War. Unfortunately, all attempts to identify the causes of these bugs have been fruitless. The scripts are unusually complex, we have found no internal documentation that would indicate how it's supposed to work or what's supposed to happen, and the original implementer is no longer here. We've shared a few of the scripts with members of the community, accomplished and experienced programmers, and they too were baffled. Suspect the best course of action would be to re-implement the war - though this is an estimated 2-week task that the team cannot currently spare time for.
  12. Catashe Augur

    Wait.. So beastlords can't/won't be able to do their epics then? thats rather sad
  13. Zanarnar Augur

    Would it be possible to set the zone to swap states every 24hrs until such a time as it can be fixed, then? Not really sure how much work that would involve either, just a random thought.
  14. Ducreux Augur

    Or just add the Copper Medal of War as a drop off regular spawning zone trash.

    As far as I know the war "works" but doesn't appear to reset properly once completed.
  15. Nixos Apprentice

    There are ways to obtain the medal. You could wait for a guild to head to the AoC, that's parked at AC zoneline, this will likely cause a pick to spawn

    The other option is the one I took. I took my Druid out and I pulled all 5 bandit camps in the southern corner and just AEd them one by one. It's gray mobs, it's tiresome and boring, but it does yield the medal from the couriers eventually

    Personally I spent a bit over 22 hours of doing that, keeping 4-5 camps down at all times. I got it on my 50'ish courier

    That's uncommonly unlucky, as I've heard, from other beasts, that they've gotten it on average in less than 6 hours camping. I had one guy tell me he had gotten it in the third courier.

    All I can say, is to get grinding. The epic can be done in a day, all spawns are less than 24 hours, you have a total of 9 mobs you need to kill, and you can do the entire epic with just a healer duoing with you, this is the only bit that takes effort to do
  16. Kahna Augur

    I got mine in about 8 hours of camping couriers, it's doable. Boring but doable.
  17. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

    I can't wait for people to try this out.
  18. Vykk Lorekeeper

    Reminds me of this XKCD

  19. Tzerinth4 New Member

    37 (16+10+11hrs) hours of camping that courier I got nothing. I left an alt in the zone and went off to do my own thing, the grimling war started.. I got the medal within 3 minutes of it starting.
  20. Gromph Elder

    Force a pick every day? Seems a reasonable work around.
  21. Bewts Augur

    Used to force picks all the time for that SWC goblin in FM. Extra dkp for running over there after every VS/gore kill ftw