Empires of Kunark info stream and expanion packs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Corwyhn Lionheart, Oct 6, 2016.

  1. Brohg Augur

    For reference, necros have in each set of levels:

    Poison-starts big

    Fire-boosts lifetaps
    Fire-long duration
    Fire-short duration

    Ignite Mana
    Lifetap over Time
    Corruption (anti-plant)

    Disease with debuff

    Swift Lifetap over Time
    Swift Magic-or-Disease (shared timer)
    Swift Fire-or-Poison (shared timer)

    and now Dicho

    17 dot lines still, if consolidation happens for necros in a manner exactly parallel to rng/bst/enc. More disparate durations, too, which is the opposite of a lifestyle upgrade.

    Fixing necros is complicated.
    Kunon likes this.
  2. Tevik Augur

    Well then. Good luck with that guys.
  3. fransisco Augur

    There will be no necro fix that everyone likes. Heck, the devs could say "feeding children is good" and someone would complain.

    My big concern with 10k AAs is the following expansion.
    Will they assume characters have all 10k focus AAs. Because unless your getting about 100 per mission, almost no one will have them all.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  4. Brohg Augur

    The good news is no one needs them all? Like, 1/4th to 1/3rd, depending on class, will cover 98% of play
  5. segap Augur

    I'd agree with this. If some AA are going to cost near 100, you need enough buffer to be able to overrun the purchase cost. For instance, if you're about to do a mission that will reward 35 AA and currently have 80, but the things you need to buy are all 100, you'll be forced to throw AA away. Need to be able to purchase your way low enough on banked to cover all ways of earning AA, especially if using a potion or on an extra exp weekend.
  6. Orbital101 Augur

    I would allow the cap to be override in the zone that you got the reward and loose that extra if you zone or something similar.
  7. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Terrible idea. So I go over the cap, don't realize it and zone, or have to log suddenly, and I lose AA? Silly.

    Double the cap to the 200-250 range, and that should do it.

    That's assuming that the most a rank of AA could possibly cost is 100. The early posts in this thread implied there are some that cost more than that.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  8. Ealdien New Member

    So, two expansions in a row with no level increase, essentially 90% revamped zones and no new trade skills. Sorry I am not feeling the love. I been playing since 1999 and have enjoyed this game more than I can say, but I fear that it is in its death throes. They obviously have a severe lack of development resources. I am not blaming them, just stating the obvious. I will have to ponder this one.

  9. Natal Augur

    Most guilds can't progress with the current raids unless they are fielding full or almost full raids. So, making the raids UF level difficulty where they can't beat anything at all will pretty much kill raiding in EQ other than for a few guilds. What they need to do is make most of the raids doable with 35-40 people, and the last few requiring full raids and with increasing levels of difficulty. There needs to be something for everyone, and UF sure as hell did not have that in the raid game.
  10. Orbital101 Augur

    if you dint realize it then get your stuff together and if you cant click an AA within a few sec then I may as well keep my feelings for me. Still a cap of 105 AA will cause issues so either way they need to come up with something.
  11. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Yeah and when they were asked about level increases in the future they just said level increases take almost a year of dev time. I suspect aa's will partly replace level increases but wont come close to the increase in power a level increase would give you. I am starting to see why the discounted subscriptions were done before the expansion.
    Dragon Jockey likes this.
  12. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    The current limit is about 3x the most expensive AA. Keep it that way.

    And other than raise the cap, what would they "come up with"?

    So, we agree that they should raise the cap, right? ;)
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  13. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    Lately they have actually thought of this and there has been no faction conflict with old zone factions. Hopefully, EoK will continue this trend.

    However, if it bothers you for role playing purposes, I'm not sure enough of the lore to know if it will give you an out. Then again, in the past my (good aligned) character had to help slavers to advance in an expansion, so role playing can be a problem.
  14. Vdidar Augur

    Did they mention pricing?
  15. Riou EQResource

  16. Kravitz Augur

    Atleast, they win by convincing goobers to buy the expansion to beta test.

    Love the severe lack of AA's & spells (LoL at 1 rank costing 100 aa , inflating the number of AAs you have to spend, to make it look like you got something)
    Lack of tradeskill recipes
    No level cap increase " it takes a year to do a level cap increase with everything that goes along with that" LoL at this one too.
  17. Kantan New Member

    Will there be new power sources? Or at least equal in power ones in new xpac? Going to tds every time and doing the progression for every alt, guildie, etc kind of sucks.
  18. Endless Augur

    I know there's a 35% purity aug.
  19. MoveFastRZ Bloodsaber

    I can't believe no one else has noticed how absolutely batcrap stupid it is to add 10,000 AAs on average to each class. Even in the case of classes that have a ton of AA already (SKs have 17k or so, right?) this nearly doubles the # of AA required to max. For classes who have fewer (Rogues, etc.) it basically does double it.

    Sure, they're just AA that upgrade existing spells, but Jibbity Jesus Christ: For several expansions now, vanilla and Rk. II spells have been pretty easy to get (droppable turn-in items, occasionally a single mission prerequisite or some faction). The combination of now requiring people to AA (more time-intensive) to get their abilities up to scratch, and making them do it on such an enormous scale is absolutely piss-poor game design that will give people who are not EQ basement dwellers sticker shock about coming back to the Live game.

    Guarantee this takes a steaming dump on Live populations later in the expansion cycle.

    In the meantime, RMTing macro'ers of AFK HAs are going to have a field day making bank off people who don't want to do their AAs.
  20. YellowBelly Augur

    Inflating the cost of AAs to ridiculous amounts is an indirect and sneaky way of nerfing experience, class power, and time investment. Come on guys don't stoop to a low like this. You're not fooling anyone.