Class specialization possible?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Castrasi, Aug 1, 2016.

  1. Castrasi Journeyman

    To Whom It May Concern,

    NOTE: Got carried away, sorry. My wife threw an extra scoop of grind in the pot this morning.

    TLDR: Question...Is it possible to incorporate alternate specialization paths for each class in a game this dated? Elaboration is below. Please read on.

    I've invested more time and money into this game in a short period of time than any other game I've ever played. Why? First, because I have a little side money for another hobby. Second, because there will never ever be enough storage space for all the trade mats I'm likely to never use. Third, because I've fallen for this game like none other I've ever played.

    Wait, let me walk that back a bit...almost none other. Thank goodness Al Gore had not invented the internet and Wing Commander did not have an online market place back in 1991. Had it been the case, I'd currently be living in a dilapidated mobile home with nothing to show for my life but a 1962 Chevy truck (still have it), a can of spam and greatly embellished memories of blasting Kilrathis into the unknown.

    That said, I am hoping the current plans are such that new EQ blood, like myself, will gain long term interest in EQ, thus ensuring continued long term investment in EQ by DBG.

    Nothing lasts forever. Games come and go, but a game this dated that still draws a crowd and maintains financial income for the owners has to be something special. If not, it would be yet another wiki reference in the documented history of MMO's.

    To the point....

    Anything allowing players, old and new alike, alternate paths of character personalization will go a long way to ensuring DBG has the financial reasoning to continue putting money and resources into EQ.

    One thing, among many I think of on a daily basis (See thread about buying old CE's), that would incline me to open my wallet yet again would be the ability to further align my characters to one purpose or another.

    I started thinking (daydreaming) when I bought and memorized a spell on my necro called "Soul Orb". I figured it to be another pet heal. Nifty. But wait...what if I could actually use that spell to heal in a way that I could support a group as a primary healer? Something like a reverse dot that damages the focused mob and chain heals the group, or stored energy that the necro maintains for a set amount of time to unleash as a group or single heal when the time for it arose, or....I have lots of ideas. Lots.

    This is not just about necros. Please don't think I am trying to gain attention for one class or another. This is about all character classes. Bards could become a specialized solo artist, allowing their songs more single target focus and potency lending to improved solo play, or they could become a maestro, summoning a gang of gnomes playing the various instruments, allowing higher potency of group/raid songs. Wizards could become specialized weavers of one element or another, allowing for increased single target dps, or maybe specialized in ice for another form of crowd control. There are more I've thought about, but hopefully you get the point.

    Does something like this take away from the existing classes and their designed purpose, just to give it to another? I guess in a way it does, but it also allows different strokes for different folks. Variety being the spice of life, after all.

    I like analogies, so here's one....a double scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream (my analogy, my choice) in a cup with sugar cone crumbles on top, or a sugar cone with two scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream in it are basically the same thing assembled in two very different ways. Either way the level of satisfaction is about the same (for me anyway), but allows the consumer a choice.

    Same could be said about gameplay. It all comes down to preference. Do I care what class is healing me when I am tanking with my dual dagger wielding battle mage? Heck no, so long as myself and my group are still alive when the fight is over with. It could have been a monk specialized in healing with thrown snow globes for all I care.

    I know this is not an original idea and can't imagine this being the first time it's been brought up, but my imagination needs an outlet. That and I don't have the money to hire a battalion of programmers to go make my own game.

    I think ultimately this sort of endeavor could bring in some new players, reinvigorate veterans, and give DBG another means of funding future expansions and content.

    Thank you for your time. Sorry for the long read.

  2. Cicelee Augur

    Short answer: No.

    Long answer: There is already enough homogenization between various classes that there does not need to be more. Eventually everyone is just going to be the exact same class doing the exact same things if this is implemented. So..... no.
    Sancus likes this.
  3. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I think this is a great idea. I think Rift has it right by allowing your character to have different roles. It let's anybody jump into any group at any time. This is great for allowing people to play the toons they want to play and with the people they want to play with.

    EQ has already acknowledged this need/benefit and even added Weapon Stances for tanks, so they can switch between more of a tank role or more of a DPS role on the fly.
  4. Xanathol Augur

    True specialization would be pretty cool and could add a lot of flavor. There are always those out there though that fear they choose the 'wrong' specialization and therefore would rather a one size fits all approach.
  5. Critts Augur

    It's not for this game.
  6. Sheaffer Augur

    The idea itself is cool I just would rather not see it in EQ. One thing I like about EQ is how each class has a somewhat defined role. I wouldn't really want to see everybody able to do everything...there is already too much class blending for my liking.

    I think this idea would be cool for a lot of games just not EQ.
    Sancus likes this.
  7. Xanathol Augur

    The OP's terms and examples being a bit mixed aside, but actual 'specialization' wouldn't blur roles, but strengthen roles within one's role. His good example was a wizard that was better at ice spells, for instance. Another example would be a melee oriented toon focusing & thus performing better with a certain weapon type. At least, those are the types of things I think about with the term 'specialization'.
  8. segap Augur

    Some melee classes are already better with one weapon type than another. Different casters have spell lines that are better than others. Specialization in EQ is based on classes. You know what a certain class brings.

    Additionally, the devs struggle enough balancing the existing classes. If you start adding specializations within those classes, the permutations of things to balance around becomes even more burdensome. It could also complicate design of mechanics for various encounters.

    The concept of specialization isn't a bad game design idea. It just doesn't fit well in to the EQ model.
  9. Castrasi Journeyman

    Morning All,

    As with all things Everquest, it stirs emotion when someone suggests changing the system that's been around for so long. I get that. I just wish there were some way to get more new players to sign in and drop money.

    My suggestion is for the purpose of adding something new and fresh. I feel like the hippy that got to Woodstock on the last day. Everyone talks about how awesome it was, even though it's still going on. It seems that some refer to Everquest in the same way, and it worries me.

    My idea is not based around the premise that everyone be able to do everything. Quite the contrary. I can't imagine raids going down any differently than they already do. Maybe a few more cooldowns to assist dps or heals, or something. Heck, I don't raid, so I shouldn't be trying to speak to it.

    Basically, there would still be the same masters of each art; tanking, healing, support, melee/caster dps. Monks would still be first choice for pulling, warriors for raid tanking, wizards for casting dps, etc.

    Group play however would be a little more dynamic, with more possibilities for traditional group roles.

    In order for an idea like this to grow roots it would take weeks or months of dialog. Pro/con debates, what's it cost in terms of investment, money lost after people get mad and quit, return on investment from new players, etc.

    Thanks for your time.

  10. Jaerlyn Augur

    Have monks EVER been the first choice for pulling?
  11. Riou EQResource

    Yea, you make the weakest class pull so your real classes can be fighting and such the full time