Ideas and Suggestions for the Devs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Angre, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. Angre Augur

    Yeah a Hasten Communion of Blood AA would be really nice!

    I was thinking more of a self dot disc you could use that would slowly reduce hit points yet return you with endurance or a faster endurance regen, during combat. Call it "Agony"... lol

    Many classes do not have to worry about mana regen or using up their entire mana pool at any point or on very rare occurrences (ie Shammy, Necro, Ranger, Enchanter, etc), but Zerkers have to be very conservative with their use of Dichotomic Rage or they risk having no endurance and being useless to a group/raid without it.

    Most Rogues and Monks (pure melee class like the Zerker), that I know, do not have many instances where they use up all their endurance. If I am wrong, please state it here and maybe the Dev's will read this column on a coffee break and implement something like this for ALL pure melee classes.

    Just a thought...

  2. Angre Augur


    Extended Battle Focus Discipline!
  3. Ravengloome Augur

    Ummm... Rangers can blow their mana wad pretty easily if they don't have a bard. Like they are one of the most mana intensive classes with very little ways to return it.
  4. Angre Augur

    Yeah I just saw a post where Ranger's are needing Mana on High End Raiding Guilds. Most of the ones I raid with, don't get low on mana..


  5. Fnyanea Augur

    OMM currency: you need to either decrease the cost of items, or increase the reward from the missions/raids. Or better yet, as other have asked, put the currency on loyalty vendor.

    Trying to get the rez staff is soul crushing....
    1) getting the 7 raid wins to enter OMM raids - not too bad
    2) getting the wins on naggy and vox raids - annoying, but not too bad
    3) having to redo those raids 10+ times is just soul crushing.
  6. Angre Augur

    I like what was said earlier, I think they should make the currency tradeable.

    That way you can buy it with plat from bazaar or General, like the Remnants of Tranquility now, and get a rez staff for raids without devoting your entire life to a Game. :)

    I know part of the game mechanics and makeup of the game is being a Time Sync, but come on, this is ancient currency...

    Just my thoughts...

  7. Rimelure Journeyman

    Im thinking the next logical step should be making melee attacks cost endurance even auto attack. Once its gone you cannot attack anymore. Sounds like the logical next step in the name of fairness since mana was added to aa nukes. Get on it Devs. That way us wizards have company once we fun oom.
  8. Brudal Augur

    Auto attack and moving does cost us endurance (specifically it drops our end regen by 12, moving drops 7, both stack if moving and attacking) ; so i guess grats. Maybe not as severe as you were hoping for.
  9. Jennre Band Leader

    Yes please! It makes no sense that someone can't run ahead and build a simple fire. Maybe make the ability to do this an AA for certain races or classes. Call it "outdoor survival" or something, where each level reduces the amount of FS members you need present to build a campfire. Are there AAs that are available only to certain races?

    Make choosing your race more of a decision than "elves look cool". I know there are already certain racial innates, which is a good start, but all in all, they aren't all hat significant in the modern game (with the exception of fear and stun immunity).

    As far as gameplay, it would be cool to move OOC regen to only non-hostile zones or near your FS campfire or something.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  10. Igniz Augur

    I'd really suggest to have people calling for other classes to be nerfed, especially like this very obvious vendetta nerf removed from the forum. Nothing good comes from them.

    THIS sooo much. The ability to swap pets has been brought up a dozen times already by all pet classes!
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  11. Rimelure Journeyman

    misery over company now that they have made us burnout I'm waiting for the next class to get an excessive nerf. Misery loves company.
  12. Rimelure Journeyman

    it's not I'm hoping for backstabbing to take 1600 endurance and more if you double triple etc. Once you're out of endurance you go sit in the corner with the rest if the wizards.
  13. Angre Augur

    So, I was talking to some Necro's and Shammy's.... This may open a can of worms BTW!?

    This is kinda what I gathered... There are no class specific augs for Necro's and Shaman's? There is a Genre of Augs available for Tanks/Priests/Melee/Wizzy but none for DoT Classes?

    Is that correct?

    Does Spell Damage Mod under Spell Mods in the Stats Page of Character Screen, effect Damage over Time as well, or Not?

    That is a major question asked by many.

    Expanding the Spell Damage Affliction to include DoT Damage, Critical and Average would improve lust for these classes, which has dropped over time due to recent nerfs.

    I understand the Nerf on Necro's. They were kinda OP'd! :)

    But, I think its a shame a necro is STILL wearing a 2.0 Epic as their primary though... But, that's another fix in itself...

    Something needs to be done about this. If I am wrong, I will shut up.

    I ask you this question?

    What is the best Augmentations for a Shaman or Necro? I got friends who want to know...

  14. Ghostdog New Member

    I like a lot of the suggestions, especially about making a lot of items , gear , bags , mounts ect Heirloom marked for an acct.
    When my melee that can not rez need one , I go swap merc pets for a rezer/ buffer and get it all taken care of .Then I swap back to my regular merc pet . This saves frustration and Tons of rez tokens .
    Otherwise buy another merc slot .

    I would really like to see DB bring back in some of the collectors rewards especially for housing that were available and are not now for purchase in the station cash market .

    Next install mapping in a way that the mapping will show to each player as they explore it . This makes getting around to every zone and seeing it even of more importance than ever .
    This will also help many returning and new players who desperately need it . It may help them stay longer in the game.
  15. Vrinda Augur

    If you're referring to items such as Irae Faycite Shard: xxxxxxx, then no, that is not correct. Look on the merchants in each expansion where you find them for other classes. On that same merchant (or others surrounding it) you will locate augs for necros and shammies. Be sure you don't have "show only items I can use" turned on if you're searching with a character of some other class.

    If you're talking about type 5 augs for TBM gear, why wouldn't augs for other INT/WIS casters work for a necro/shammy? Type 7/8 augs work for necros and shammies, too.
    Did it occur to you (and your friends) that if the devs wanted a lot of people playing necros, they'd have reconsidered the nerfs?

    And when you talk about "the Nerf on Necro's" you feel was so justifiable, which one of the dozens of nerfs would you be referring to?
    If you think this, you don't understand the class. Another 2k or 3k or 4k H/M/E is nothing compared to the effect of the 2.0/2.5. If you don't like the way it looks, the marketplace has many fine ornaments you can use instead.
    You are wrong.
  16. Docture New Member

    I don't think he understands the class, as many don't. I believe he was referring to Type 7/8 Augs not Type 3's.

    I am competing with Necro's/Shaman's for Type 7/8 Augs on my Paladin. Either they don't know what the best aug for a Necro or Shaman is, or one of his original questions weren't answered and it should be moved to another post under a different subject heading.

    ie What is the best type 7/8 Statistics for a Shaman/Necro? Mana? Int/Wis? Spell Dmg?

    But, Actually...

    Adding DoT Damage Increases to the existing Spell Damage Mod isn't a bad idea if it doesn't exist already...
  17. Brudal Augur

    Hit points and heroic stamina to feed/offset lich and canni?
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  18. Ravengloome Augur

    If you are competing on augs with a necro/sham as a paladin... you are doing it wrong
  19. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Igniz and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  20. Docture New Member

    I am competing with Shaman's for AC augs.