10th Ring War BUGGED

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Baps Zerg, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. Baps Zerg New Member


    After spending considerable effort to finish the Ring of Dainfrostreaver IV, the final boss during the event, Narandi the Wreteched, failed to spawn.

    Please fix, and i would avoid any ring attempts until rectified.

    Incarnate - Darkwind
    Syrup and PathToEternity like this.
  2. Finley Augur

    Did you lose anything you have to restart? If yes, what are the chances you'll get reimbursed?
  3. darkvixyen73 Augur

    IIRC - you show 10th ring to Dain - you get a note to trigger it. Only the note being at risk when you do the war, so just waiting on another Dain spawn basically.
  4. EQForumAcct Augur

    doh - that sucks.
  5. Finley Augur

    Still sucks, lot of man hours wasted. Maybe they can just give him whatever he needs from Narandi
  6. menown Augur

    I did this event just 2 weeks ago and it was not bugged.

    Did you keep all the named dwarfs alive?
  7. Qelyn Augur

    Raise your hand if you figured this would happen:

    Skuz and Silinius like this.
  8. darkvixyen73 Augur

    On one of the modern TLPs with /pickzones? I don't think you did....
  9. darkvixyen73 Augur

    That it does - wasn't downplaying it, just answering the question. Frankly, with my past luck with making rings up to 9th and how often Dain was down on previous TLPs, I considered it worse when someone failed theirs. So annoying to find Dain up at all in my experience usually weeks of camping him vs. a few days to do a ring.
    Finley likes this.
  10. -wycca Augur

    To the OP - did you do the ringwar in a /pick?
  11. darkvixyen73 Augur

    Good call, he's supposed to have MotM... Although didn't they have the spawning dude listed on the mobs to MotM too?
  12. -wycca Augur

    Yes to both to my knowledge, was just trying to eliminate the most obvious problem.
  13. Silinius Augur

    Thank you for Beta Testing :)
  14. Tieyla Elder

    Cost of demanding Velious vote early? Hundreds of banned forum accounts.

    Cost of attrition for another 2 months of Kunark? A dozen players.

    Finding out you'd rather get Velious once it's fixed? Priceless.
  15. Pikallo Augur

    This is not witty or clever even if you busted this out when these commercials were popular 10 years ago.

  16. Prathun Developer

    We believe this is fixed internally. Will look into the possibility of a hotfix for this early next week. Sorry that being the first to attempt the ring war meant that you were the first to encounter the bug. :(
    Skuz, Baps Zerg and PathToEternity like this.
  17. Healiez Augur

    Doubt its bugged, clearly since you are not FI you did something incorrect. Dont worry , they will figure out what you did wrong when they get to velious.
    Skuz likes this.
  18. -wycca Augur

    Good turnaround.

    To the OP - if you lost anything on turnin (I forget, been too long since I did the war) then put a petition in on the website. Link this - they're pretty good about giving quest turnin stuff back.
  19. Baps Zerg New Member

    as far as i know, i have not lost anything to prevent me from receiving another Declaration of War.

    However, I am very hesitant to call another Ring War after wasting so many peoples time - and when there are so many other viable targets.

    FYI - was main pick, all heroes were alive, and already petitioned.

    Feel free to spawn Nerandi and i will organise a force to kill him.
  20. Deadguy New Member


    I know this post is from March but I posted 2 days ago about an issue my guild had with the 10th ring war. Issue EQ-1010 on the Daybreak Community Tracking page also.

    Short version, Shorn Head of Narandi given to each of the dwarf captain's, they hand it right back without the additional rewards, text, faction, or exp, as if they are not supposed to have ever been given the head in the first place.