Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Benjola, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. Benjola New Member

    Spent 12 hours camping the damn earring and now it seems like a bugged item.
    It didn't add passive AA nor did it apply attack bonus to my stats.
    Attack is same as it was before it droped.
    Then when I click it, from inventory or equiped (doesn't mater) it applies perma buff , but only the icon.
    There is no AA I can find under general tab of AA window.
    What's up?
    I heard from others that it works for them but it seems very buggy for me.
    Also, I don't own the last 2 expansions, does it matter?

    This is on Phinigel
  2. MabbuPhinny Augur

    I got one a few weeks ago, on my second kill of the named. Still drops just rare sometimes. I put prolly 20+ hours into camping one since Kunark just as a reference.
  3. Ducreux Augur

    Item: Grim Aura is the name of the AA it should have placed in your General tab.

    Only possible thing I can think of is that you are clicking it under level 15 (though I doubt you can), as that's the intended level for the effect to start being usable.
  4. RainbowTest Augur

    There are a few buffs in game that are in limbo when it comes to visibility. Velious era is when you see the first one. I think its called Aura of Battle. Its a worn effect that has stacking issues with grim aura I believe. If thats not the case, do you have any other worn effects on you or are you a ranger?
  5. Poydras Augur

    When you first click it you should get a message saying you have received the new AA skill (or possibly two, including one to remove item buff AA's). If you didn't get such a message perhaps you already had the AA from clicking one in the past? Though you should be able to find the AA's listed in there.

    As for aura of battle, all the items I've seen that used to have them have been converted to a simple regen bonus and attack bonus (which all appear to stack). The amounts see off however.
  6. Benjola New Member

    It was on my 46 War and no it didn't apply any AA.
    The only thing I can think of is that maybe it got bugged with the latest patch the other day?
    I petitioned it , we'll see.

    Anyone else that have gotten the earring after patch and not working for him?
  7. Jaylin Augur

    It's not just that item. i havent been able to get any of the items that grant the aa to work on any toons. I even told it to disable them all on one of them and try to get them again. That toon now has none of the aa lol. So something in the patch broke them
  8. Random newb Augur

    There's some discussion in the live update bug thread that makes it sound like this is a new bug that might be hot fixed.
  9. Poydras Augur

    you're right I just tried it on another character and got the buff icon but no AA, no AA message, and no change in attack.
  10. Adonhiram Augur

    But the main purpose of this earring is to have a junk buff in first buff slot to help facing aoe dispells. Does this at least work ?
  11. Ducreux Augur

    I can confirm the Shadow of XXX "buff" still works as a dispel blocker as of today 7/8. Guess if you don't have the Grim Aura AA you will have to wait until it's patched.
  12. Bewts Augur

    Permanent +ATK or +HP Regen are also great reasons to amass the clicks... Unclear if GA would stack with AoB once both become permanent as I don't recall them stacking as buffs.
  13. Adonhiram Augur

    Thanks for reply, but what I wanted to know is if the buff can be dispelled or not ? Ducreux seems to say 'yes' with a another perma-clicky.
  14. consensual New Member

    Item-related AA's confirmed not working.

    Before today, my warrior had an AA called Item: Grim Aura 2/3.That AA was 'earned' by clicking a Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring a few months ago. The other day I obtained a Fearsome Shield from a dracoliche in the Plane of Fear. I tried clicking the Aura of Battle effect, and observed no increase in my atk or regen, nor any new AAs. A friend on this server 'earned' a new AA Item: Aura of Battle 1/1 after clicking his Fearsome Shield a few days (or maybe a week?) ago.

    I tried relogging, clicking the buff/effect off and so forth but was unable to 'earn' this new Item: Aura of Battle AA described above. I then tried using the AA Item: Disable Item Abilities. This behaved as expected -- it removed my Item: Grim Aura 2/3 entirely (no AA listed at all in my window) but also removed my AA Item: Disable Item Abilities. My character went from 1322 atk down to 1262 atk.

    I then tried clicking the Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring again and my character did not earn any new AAs (no Item: Grim Aura and no Item: Disable Item Ability) nor did I get any increase in attack. I tried doing the same thing with Fearsome Shield and again received no AA's or increase in character screen atk or hp regen values.

    At this point my character has lost 60 attack and I cannot reacquire any of the AAs I had before. Pretty sure they broke this last patch
  15. Targin Journeyman

    Bump, is this getting fixed? It is not giving the AA at the moment.
  16. Riley Augur

    No need to bump. They're aware of it in the bug report thread.
  17. Kurway New Member

    While we are it: Improved Damage 2 focus not working on any druid DDs (tried all spell schools & levels).
    No focus msg, no dmg increase. That used to work at least for fire nukes on live unless my old memory is really failing (possible !).
    Can't try id 3 yet.
    PS: not that important as druid raid dps I know but...