Xegony Server "we have a problem"

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by WEdontWANTgeorge, Jul 7, 2016.

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  1. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    Aghi, I know exactly who they're talking about, since I have had personal experience with this "George". They're not exaggerating, not in the least bit. You know Lenadas? Take Lenadas and multiply his troll-like essence by a bijillion and you have George.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  2. Aghinem Augur

    I actually speculated that they are the same person after Corwyn gave a description of this individual.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  3. Bahdah Augur

  4. Noble New Member

    I think hes finally gone. Since the GM perma parked in PoK for the last 2 days I havent seen or heard from him. If the GM has anything to do with this Thank You Very Much. And I mean that on behalf of Xegony its been a Nice 2 days so far.
  5. nildiar Lorekeeper

    George is back one of his many alts appeared about 30 mins ago... was a nice peaceful 2 days... shame it will be over now within a few hours it will begin again... it's a shame 1 person can ruin soo many enjoyment with his antics.
    Ghostdog likes this.
  6. Noble New Member

    I spoke too soon , hes back and chat is up again;. Id like DB to provide me with free character transfers I cant take it no more
  7. Willulearn Journeyman

    Feels like ddos.
  8. Willulearn Journeyman

    Oh, im on Ragefire too.
  9. SC GEORGE SC New Member

    Lets stop beating around the bush ..

    I know theres more ... cant remember
  10. Herefornow New Member

    I feel the need to reply to this. I am returning player and "George" met me the first day I logged in. He was kind and generous with his time and showed me around, explaining many of the changes that had occurred in my absence.

    However, soon after I witnessed the general chat issues. At first I thought he was trolling the people there but I believe I have come to realize he genuinely felt victimized. In my mind he isn't, at least no more so than anyone else. We all give each other a hard time. It's a type of bonding. For some reason he takes it personally. I can't speak to the private tell harassment. That would be next level stuff in my mind.

    All that being said I have left the guild due to the drama that surrounds this man. Literally people won't group with you if your flying his tag. I also disagree with how he engages others in general chat. I don't think he's a bad person. Just immature. I agree something should be done because he is a disruptive influence, but he is not always the instigator. At this point he's become the whipping boy of the server (his own doing). People love to hate him.
    Ghostdog likes this.
  11. Arrowoman New Member

    He from time to time cross chats with people in test convincing them to go to a live server to join his guild, and he does it quite frequently. If not bullying, then its a for sure spamming that they can get him for.
  12. KrytalGladewalker New Member

    Sounds like the troll is winning, you guys need more fire.
  13. Kennebell New Member

    We have one like this named Yi Min who constantly spams Drinal, day after day.
    Ghostdog and Reht like this.
  14. nildiar Lorekeeper

    So this has gone on long enough we have proof this time the Sharkey rhat facebook page has screen shots of his tells for EVERYONE to see hes 100% busted Search Dharken Rhal on facebook see for yourself he really put himself out there this time
  15. nildiar Lorekeeper

    Dharken Rhal stupid auto correct how did it get sharkey
  16. Aghinem Augur

    This is starting to get to a point of violating privacy policies and will likely result in this whole thread being removed now.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  17. TBM removed New Member

    As a judge once told my cousin after being arrested having sex with a dead squirrel, you can't punish stupid.
  18. Ghostdog New Member

    We have a very similar issue on drinal realm .This is ongoing almost every night .
    We are constantly spammed in general chat and other chats .
    The across chat is now beginning along with many tantrums thrown in general chat .
    I feel your pain . There definetly needs to be a resolution to this issue . We also ignore the ( unnamed player ) lets say . This player makes yet 20 more alts and talks not only on one acct but multiple accts now back and forth in general chat spamming us . This is done as I said almost every evening .
    My point of view is it cases disruption and fights within the general community .This is bad for the realm and I cant even begin to understand how horrid it would be to actually be in a guild being ran by an individual prone to fits like this .
  19. Salvado New Member

    Best way to deal with it is pretend it doesn't even exist. If nobody talks to him, replies to his comments in General, replies to his tells, gives any type of response in /ooc or other chat channels, he will disappear eventually. You will learn to turn a blind eye to the text flying by.
    Create your private channels and invite your friends. If he happens to get an invite somehow, the admin can kick him from channel.
  20. Zarzac Augur

    Our "Georgemin" is > your "George"
    Reht likes this.
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