Tradeskills to 500?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Brudal, Jun 21, 2016.

  1. Coruth Augur

    What they really need to do is Change the Mastery AAs then Lower the Trvials before they even think of raising the caps.

    For example a 3AA 200 skill is about the same as a 0AA 275 skill vs a 400 recipe.

    the AAs should add 10/20/50 points and the top trivials max at under 450
    Brohg likes this.
  2. Brohg Augur

    +skillcap like Forage / Tripleattack / etc AAs. That's a really good call, Coruth. Now just need to allocate the ... many ... devhours needed to recalibrate the triv on every recipe...

    I'd say just let the player crafting community do it. They (we) would knock the whole thing out by Monday. But EQ has super resisted that kind of input in the past.
    EnchFWO likes this.
  3. EnchFWO Augur

    Honestly, they've been kindof 50/50 about it historically. We used to have the AA chats, spell suggestions/feedback were *actually* taken into consideration, and substantial beta time was allotted to tune based on the player experience. Then on the other hand... tradeskills; the bane of the EQ experience. That's one area that seems to take the least feedback in history and results in the least rewarding gains.

    Then again, we're in an era where apparently ignoring all feedback = most successful product EVAR :rolleyes:
    Iila likes this.